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Fishing & Tackle Thread

!ZNBx60Gj/k No.905687 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
#106-"Gridlock" Edition

Previous Thread:

Fuck traffic. Just trying to enjoy my Saturday afternoon fishin for an hour or two before it gets dark and they decide to completely shut down the highway because of a fuel truck on fire. Ended up getting delayed close to 2 hours after standing around in the 595 parking lot and only got half an hour of casting before it got dark.

Looks like lots of people participating in the Secret Santa already sent some gifts so hopefully we will see those by the end of the week. Dank memes via post.

Still waiting for help with the beginner guides on the Pastebin. I put a little saltwater one in there, but I want to do a river one possibly and trout. Skid typed up a saltwater guide so enjoy the autism.

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

Talk about fishin