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religious symbols on mountain tops. it's a shame.

No.914848 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm mad as fuck, another Sunday is ruined.
I don't know how it works in USA but here in Europe (especially on the Alps) there is this habit of putting religious symbols on mountains tops (crosses or statues)
that's just.. disgusting, first of all that's PUBLIC SPACE ok? so since uh we don't live anymore in the middle ages you know, since we in secular states, those "things" are just unnecessary.
it's just a way to shove religion down people throat, we are in the middle of nothing, I climb a mountain because I want to relax, I don't need your propaganda, it's intellectual violence.
see PIC RELATED, from last summer.. my blood was boiling, after hours of walking I reach the top, and what I find? catholic subliminal violence.
and it even had flowers! do you see the pic? there is people so stupid to carry flowers THERE, for an ugly statue of an imaginary friend.
but today, today I didn't remain silent.
I went hiking, and I reached a peak near here.. a fucking cross (for me it's a symbol of oppression btw, let's just think about the crusades) BUT a girl was praying on her knees in front of that (because it's Sunday imagine), I didn't stop them because I value freedom but when she finished I confronted her, I told her that it's public space, that you can't pray there, that it's offensive to other religions, atheists and lgbt people.. she didn't give me a decent answer. it ruinded my day.

since I know that the largest majority of 4chan is against cathobigotry I propose to do something, we should raise our voices
we should really consider to extend our war on cairns to religious symbols too, they are unacceptable in fucking 2016.
those things belong to a decadent past, to an age of oscurantism, violence and fear.