[56 / 17 / ?]
Going out for an overnight tomorrow on the Loyalsock Trail in PA.
No goal for a distance, just going out with a buddy, hiking a distance, setting up camp, drink some good bourbon, and hike out the next day.
I'm at 20 lbs even, with 2 days of food, and 2 smaller bottles of bourbon, about 500ml . Not ultralight, but how am I doing? (I'm 6'1" 220 lbs).
R8 my W8, M8
Others post your pack and it's weight, so others can rate and belittle you until you cut a few lbs.
No goal for a distance, just going out with a buddy, hiking a distance, setting up camp, drink some good bourbon, and hike out the next day.
I'm at 20 lbs even, with 2 days of food, and 2 smaller bottles of bourbon, about 500ml . Not ultralight, but how am I doing? (I'm 6'1" 220 lbs).
R8 my W8, M8
Others post your pack and it's weight, so others can rate and belittle you until you cut a few lbs.