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Best buy is probably some kevlar and a medium-high calibre rifle.
Find a choke point with some high ground near to where you live, ideally with some buildings to bounce the noise of your shots.
Kill everyone who comes through, live off the hard work of other preppers trying to bug out.
Ideally use a nv scope as they will probably want to be moving at that time.
Once it calms down and people start to be more likely to hide, you will want hunting dogs trained for human scent, so you can start working on those now.
A couple of molotovs will work best for flushing out preppers, throw them in, and shoot when they leave with their bug-out bags.
Remember to wait after your first shit (ideally a maim) so you can follow up when a friend comes to help.
Also, carry a sidearm incase some wannabe tries to flank you and succeeds. Ideally you wanna landmine your flanks under cover of darkness.
Also, barbed wire is your friend, pick an easy deployment system, crossed planks with stops works okayish, this stuff makes it easy as hell to kill fleeing preppers.
This method only take you, but ideally bring some friendos to watch other areas and cover your ass, you can potentially survive much longer.