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No.947383 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've become pretty frustrated with the available camping areas near me in the Brazos Valley here in Texas. I've camped at Lake Somerville and its overcrowded even in the offseason. I spent my last weekend hearing people cackling 50yrds well into the early morning, and people walking by my site on their way to the shitter.

The campsite also had a pylon with water and power which really detracted from the getaway i was going for. I want to experience out, and the snippets of that lifestyle have been really enjoyable to me. Basically I'm wondering if anyone on /out/ can recommend a truly wild, isolated, and authentic hiking/camping/bushcraft spot they have been to before. I'm at the point where i may just cold call people at large ranches and ask them if i can hang my hammock and dick around on their land overnight here and there.