#128-"Sébile Applies For Meme Status" Edition
Previous Thread:
>>951061 >tfw fucked up the pic, here is attempt #2 Where is that anon who posted the long video telling when to use which lures in what conditions? Anybody else ever watch it? Should we keep it in the OP? Otherwise we could get a list of Youtube vids and put them in the Pastebin or keep a couple important ones in the OP.
Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!
http://www.pastebin.com/u/fishingandtackle https://imgur.com/a/1Xw3N Talk about fishin
>>954065 >>>954055 >>>954054 >>>954052 >People who ONLY fly fish are 100% old men who have trust funds backing them and pay guides to tie every tippet, line, hook on, etc etc and act superior because of it. >Guys who only fly fish are basically the tweed wearing golfers of the ocean, lake, and river. They act like it's a sport but any sport you can weigh 300 pounds and be shuffled around in a cart or boat by a minority you pay for and drink booze while doing is not a sport. Fishing is a sport in the same way video games are a sport. They both just require knowledge and experience, not massive physical skill. No one is running sprints or getting tackled fishing. Maybe reeling in monster sharks is a workout but still. You will never do it enough to get in shape. >The real issue is that guys who only fly fish talk about how much of challenge it is but it's really only a challenge because they can't cast well. If you can cast well its as easy as normal artificial fishing especially with the super well done fly and bait fish imitations they make these days. These people fly fishing 10 times a year and say it's hard because they never do it enough to actually become competent. Guys even tie on live bait and fly cast it and say they caught their permit on a fly rod. It's a joke. >>tl;dr reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >>954062 Reposting this so everyone can read because it posses me off.
How do I not suck when fishing with pic related? I never catch anything on them and I always get snagged on literally everything. Whats the technique? Why am I so retarded? Plz help.
>>954068 Put them under a bobber and pop the bobber towards you in a jigging motion. That's how I catch all my crappie.
Or cast them adjacent to cover and jig them away from the stuff you get hung up on. Fish will come grab them if they want them.
TXLizadFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954068 Obviously you should just stop throwing them into places where you'll get snagged.
But if you're hopping them off the bottom then keep your rod tip high. I think it makes the lure point up more so the bottom hits the cover instead of the hook.
>>954069 How hard do you pop the bobber? Won't the motion of the bobber spook the fish?
>>954070 I always somehow manage to find stuff to snag with them, regardless of where I'm fishing. Never really have this problem using anything else.
>>954071 Nope. If anything they come over and look at the waters surface to check it out and then see the jig and grab it. I usually have the jig 2 to 6 feet below the bobber.
Another option it drop shot rig those grubs and tubes. I used stand-out brand hooks because they always stay straight up.
Just cast is and hold your rod up and twitch the rod tip periodically as you reel in. Use a very small bobber. I often use a clear see through one.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954068 Sometimes I swim them fairly quick if the fish are being picky and they will grab them more as a reaction strike. The rest of the time I like to just jig them and bounce them around near the bottom.
Depends on the water conditions. In the middle of summer, try going smaller and just bouncing them around the bottom near cover or wherever the fish are. In the spring, you could use an underspin or beetle spin with then. Beetle spins are also nice for real murky water or when it is getting dark if you want to draw more attention to the bait.
>>954073 >>954074 >>954070 Alright, thanks for the advice guys. Might try again tomorrow.
>>954040 the seam is there its just painted and cleared over.
>>954044 >Is there anywhere worse than southern California for fly fishermen niqqa wut? dónde estás?
>surf >bays >lakes >lagoons >rivers dude you got it all fukdup..where in socal bro? theres tons of fly fishing opportunities.
Not a lot of trout and no salmon in socal so if that's what youre talking about.. then yeah not a lot..
there is the ocean.
there are bays
there are lakes
there are ponds
there are streams and rivers
there are lagoons
there are pay per lakes
there are private pay lakes
So dude, what fish are you tryna catch?
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>>954078 If you really get snagged and hung up all the time use a bigger grub on a 4 size ewg worm hook. Or use a smaller size 1 ewg worm hook. Look how to rig them and keep it weedless/snagless.
You can use nail weight inserts to weigh the worm or grub down or use a screw in bullet weight on the head. If it can freely slip on the line the weight will snag stuff if it's super dense saggy cover in a traditional Texas or Carolina rig.
Or get a shakey head jig or Ned rig.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954068 >>954071 I'm suprised you snag them too. Normally the jighead part hits the bottom first so the hook stays up in the air. I guess just pay attention to where you are fishing it and bounce it along the bottom rather than just dragging it and that might help.
>tfw underspin with a beetle spin on it This guy is my hero
Btw, sometimes if the regular grubs aren't doing it, go smaller like I mentioned before. If you are using 1/8oz jigheads, go down to 1/16oz or 1/32oz. And then there are some smaller bug type baits with legs and antennae and those will get the fish's attention. I have problems with that sometimes with the Mayans. Some days they will go for medium sized Rapalas and Mepps #3 that barely fit in their mouths. Other times they are going after bugs and shit and don't want to chase baitfish imitations so I have to go with a tiny grub or bug type soft bait on a real small jighead.
If you ever see Mini-Mites while shopping for tackle, grab a few. They are great little panfish killers when the fish don't want to hit larger stuff.
So I was kayak fishing for spot tail bass and speckled trout yesterday, but couldn't get a bite, at probably my most fished area. I threw 6 different lures (with pro cure) and a Carolina rig with cut mullet and frozen shrimp, and there was just 0 baitfish, except one time I had a very small school of these really small clear bait fish (maybe glass minnows i didn't get a close enough look) that couldn't be longer 1/2 an inch in size. So if they were possibly feeding on those what should I use? My smallest lure is 3 inches.
>>954088 Spot tail bass?
Are you talking about fucking redfish or whiting/croaker?
>>954088 Use a small clear ghost x rap or yo zuri crystal minnow in a natural clear pattern.
Or small swim jigs/baits.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954081 I know the seam is there, just showing that they are built well and finished nicely. Not some cheap $2 lipless crank that will take on water when you fish it.
>>954086 >>954078 And pic related here shows those Mini Mites I was talking about. They come in these tiny plastic tubes and Walmart might even have them. They are great UL lures. And the purple ones are called "Puddle Jumpers" or some shit. Sometimes creature baits like that do better than little grubs because they have more movement. Quarter and 1/8oz jighead for size reference.
Also check out the tiny Gulp panfish baits. They sell jars of all sorts of cool shit. In the green jars, I have some tiny 1"-1.5" grubs and minnows and those are good on a 1/32oz jighead when the fish are picky.
>>954067 a lot of that is bullshit you know?
i'm on the fence about the "sport" part but
certain fish will make you sweat and have your chest pounding chasing around the boat trying to keep up with it..so i guess theres some physical exertion..
>>tl;dr jelly Anonymous
>>954088 The really small bait fish were following my lure when I was bringing it in, forgot to put that
>>954094 >a lot if that is bullshit >explains nothing to disprove it Sorry dude. Running 10 miles is hardwr. Tennis has more regular physical exertion even.
I fly fish sometimes. But I don't pretend it's super hard because I can't cast well or double hall cast and what not super far. I can't cast 60 yards with a fly rod like you have to for permit.
Maybe if you're in a kayak pedaling your ass off its sport then.
>>954093 Alright, cool. I was planning on heading to Sportsman's Warehouse later, so I'll see if I can't find some.
>>954096 >>954088 Baby ZOOM flukes in a pattern that matches local salt baitfish would probably be good on a fish head style jig with an eye on it or whatever.
>>954096 a cast a bubble bobber and fly
or use a popping cork
>>954100 try catching cow tuna on vertical jigs in deep water.
try muscling a amberjack from a deep reef
try casting large bunker flies into a 15mph headwind
try walking a 10 mile flat in blazing heat searching for bones
try paddling through 3 foot waves for 200 yards and then paddling 6 miles fishing and paddling for 5 hours and still have to paddle back to your launch
try paddle back 6 miles with 40lbs extra in the yak.
yeah yeah...you can argue anything
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954101 Pic related shows the packaging. Some places sell them as singles, sometimes they come in a 5pk with assorted colors. They aren't expensive so if you see em, I recommend grabbing a couple. I have had a few in my tacklebox at all times since I was like 7 or 8 years old.
If they don't have them, just look around the panfish section and get some 1/32oz jigheads and the smallest soft baits you can find. They will probably have those little Gulp jars so see if you can find the 1.5" curly tail grubs if there is nothing else you like. That really small stuff always works for panfish when the bite is slow and they don't want to grab normal panfish sized baits.
>>954102 >Baby Zooms How small are those? I have only ever seen the Super Flukes and Super Fluke Jr's (plus the Swimmin Super Flukes in each size).
Gulp has those curly tail minnows and mullets too. Anon could just get some jigheads and try those. The saltwater section normally has them in like 3"-5", but the freshwater section will have the same thing in smaller sizes. Those are killer soft plastics.
>>954114 Any particular colors I shroud go for?
>>954112 Again. I said kayaking is more of a true physical sport. Just because reeling a big amberjack up off a wreck is hard doesn't mean fat 300 pound guys don't do it while drinking coors light.
Sorry I offended you Mr tough guy. It's still not as hard as running long distance or playing hockey.
It's mostly a knowledge and trickery game. But again, you can car hunt and sit in a tree stand or back country hike and hunt and hike a quartered elk 15 miles out.
There are degrees of difficulty to everything.
Most people who fly fish are fat retired guys who talk a big game about being sportsmen. The only tolerable fly fishermen are salty dudes who live to fish and have their own flats boat or kayak and don't talk about how hard core everything they do is. We get it. You're good at casting a fly rod and you dedicated time to it. You're not Jesus christ. You can catch the same fish on spinning gear easier and have more fun doing it.
If you fly fish for the sake of it and the challenge that's fine but it costs a lot of money and doesn't make sense for most people who won't dedicate the time to casting practice. I have a rod but it's mostly for fun and novelty and catching blue runners or pan fish and whatever else happens to bite.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
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>>954116 Nah everything I have used seems to work. Lots of them are bright colors and panfish seem to like those. I have been using one lately with a hot pink jighead and white body and it has been doing work. White is always a good color for almost all conditions. Those little Gulp 1.5" curly tail grubs normally come in a white or off white color too.
Just remember they are light, as with most panfish stuff. So if you are going for bluegill and crappie on a medium weight bass rod with 10lb line, you may want to think about setting up a lighter combo if you ever want to cast the stuff with any distance. A 1000 size reel with 4lb line is fun for pond fishing because big bluegill and crappie will put up a little fight on it and when you hit a good size bass, it is a blast.
>>954089 Spot tail bass, Channel bass, Red drum, or Redfish, it's all the same
>>954091 Wouldn't 2 1/2 inches be too big if they're feeding on .5 inch bait fish?
>>954104 I used a popping cork, but with a doa. What size fly would you recommend?
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954135 Sometimes if big fish are feeding on tint fish, you can still get away with a lure imitating a medium sized fish that is preoccupied feeding on the tiny guys and looks like an easy, bigger meal for the redfish.
There's also the umbrella rigs...
>>954067 Kek
People who do fly tying are even worse. Well, those who are all about the "art" of fly tying. Functional fly tying is bit different. But, holy hell, people who tie ultra realistic flies are a real pain to interact with. Sure it looks great, but they are just as good a bait as the crap stuff or simple stuff.
Fishing is one of the original sports, fyi. Hunting is the other one. It had nothing to do with game sports.
>>954056 Looks good! I'm using cat hair in the same manner.
>>954068 What speed are you retrieving them when bouncing them on the bottom through cover?
704z shill
Still no snook but a caught a little cuda.
>>954139 Yeah I've never used one of them, how would you work them in winter patterns?
Would the Zman quadzilla work? I ask because I'm a bit of a Zman shill since they're made in my state and I like to support local business
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954146 Idk, I stay away from those things because they look like a tryhard bait that you keep next to your Megabass popper and Livingston battery operated crankbait. Also they look like a clusterfuck to run from shore in these lakes that I'm fishing.
I do like that chartruese sexy shad color on that one. There are a bunch of different configurations. Some of them only have one hook, some have hooks on every little swivel, some have hooks on like half of them.
Anyone here use the Savage Gear Duckling? I just can't see this producing any hits where I'm at but holy shit does this thing look ridiculous and fun to cast. Couldn't imagine a random person's reaction to someone throwing this thing. I'm thinking about buying one.
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>>954150 >Savage Gear Duckling Hook configuration messes up positive hooking during a strike.
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I'm going to be driving Alaska for a week on vacation. Are there enough roadside streams for it to be worth packing a fly rod? What weight rod would be best for inland rivers and streams? I'd guess 6 or 7.
hey /out/, I kinda want to get back on freshwater fishing, do saltwater mostly cause its closer and I'm more experienced with it. I got a 7'6" Medium Heavy casting rod that I fish 30lb braid to flouro leaders with, and got some spinning reels that I want to get a rod for to fish 8lb line. what should I get for lures? I was thinking of using the spinning for drop shoting, the casting for plastics?
>>954156 Where do you live and what are you fishing for?
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954150 All those goofy new memebaits have been on sale at Dick's recently. I mean if you have lunker bass in pre-spawn mode, they might hit it. Looks more like a muskie lure tho. They always have those things on the same endcap as those new Whopper-Plopper double buzzbait type things and some other crazy shit. There are a couple chatterbait type contraptions that I wouldn't mind trying but some of this new shit is just ridiculous.
>>954157 oh I forgot, I live down in San Diego and want to target bass, from shore
>>954159 i tie between 15-40 of these together and troll behind my boat
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954162 see:
>>954160 What I do know is that most freshwater bodies down here that hold bass get a fuckton of pressure, so I was thinking I might have to go finnese, which I don't mind cause I love catching fish on light line
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954161 Lel at only $17.99ea, how could you lose?
But when you're rolling in the $40k bass boat with an array of G. Loomis rods, I guess you are good to go.
>>954160 I made pic related awhile back to kinda cover it all. Just add the hooks and weights to rig all of yer soft baits and you will have stuff to cover basically all conditions. The imgur in the OP has lots of pics about how to rig plastics different ways and other stuff that may come in useful.
Are you going for largemouth over there in lakes and stuff? If it's anything like here in South Florida, don't drop a ton of money into crankbaits, spinners, and other hard baits. The water is so warm near me that I end up fishing Texas rigged soft plastics for 9mos out of the year since the bass get slow and don't want to chase after fast baitfish replicas like that most of the time.
>freshwater fishermen >bass fishermen >saltwater fishermen >fly fishermen List these in order of arrogance.
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>>954168 Peps can I crash on your couch for $100. A month?
>>954168 yeah, the two lakes I'm thinking of hitting have only one type of obvious structure and its reeds, so I was thinking of buying some crawdad like plastics and rigging them weedless, and then some flukes for drop shotting.
Should I go for that?
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954165 Just saw that after typing
>>954168 But since you are in SoCal and I'm sure the lakes are warm, you will probably be running stuff like drop shots, shakey heads, and Texas rigs. When the bite ie slow, I'm a big fan of the Texas rig with a <1/4oz bullet weight and a 3/0-4/0 EWG worm hook with baits like the 6" Zoom finesse worm or baby brush hogs. The lighter the weight, the slower the bait will fall and that can give it a better natural movement. Lighter shakey head jigs like 1/8oz work the same way. Unfortunately if it's windy or you need some casting distance to get to deep water on a hot day, you might have to run more weight.
For clear waters, natural colors. If it is darker or murky water or running over vegetation, dark colors like Junebug do really well. And then chartruese soft baits do work in certain conditions. A lot of times the chartruese works well for me when the water is clear but stained brown. Some days the bass can't resist chartruese stuff.
>>954169 You already have, least to most.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954171 That sounds straight. Baby brush hogs or regular brush hogs are a popular one that kinda replicate crawdads and do real well. When running crawdad baits on a Texas rig, I always do better with plastics that have lots of dangling legs and antennae and shit like pic related. Those are the Culprit Incredi-Craws if you can find them. Otherwise Zoom Brush Hogs are a standby. Zoom also makes 4", 5", and 6" lizards that work well. As TXfag, the Zoom 5" or 6" Lizard in Chartruese Pepper is a killer. They are only like $3 a bag so if you see em in that color, I would say give it a try. 4/0 EWG worm hooks work well for all those baits.
>>954176 >bass fishermen >not the most arrogant asshole on the lake try again anon
>>954179 aight, so how exactly do i fish the texas rig? cast, let it sink, and then jig it off the bottom?
My uncle says bass hits are not like saltwater fish hits, they tend to be more soft when hitting a plastic?
>>954081 >there is the ocean. >there are bays And you need a boat to fish them, a boat that I don't have.
>there are lakes >there are ponds That are pay-to-play, hours away, for children only and/or fished out mud holes and the larger ones require a boat - which, again, I don't have. The closer ones are also in the middle of the damn city.
>there are streams and rivers The nearest steam that holds fish is more than an hour away, assuming there's no traffic.
>there are lagoons Which are wildlife areas that you can't even enter, let alone fish.
>there are pay per lakes >there are private pay lakes Which are outrageously priced. A fishing license in my home state costs less than it would to fish those lakes for five days.
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>>954180 >on the lake On the lake, they defiantly are, but thats just because saltwater and fly fishermen aren't usually on lakes.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954181 For fishing the Texas rigs, pretty much that. I cast em out, let them hit the bottom, and just slowly hop them along the bottom. Depending on the bite and conditions, some days you can keep them moving and other days you want to pause it for a couple seconds between hops.
And it takes a little patience and practice to get the hook set right with them. When fishing crankbaits and stuff, it's like saltwater where you can set the hook right away. But since Texas rigs are weedless, when you feel a nibble, you want to wait a second or two for the fish to grab the whole bait and get it inside its mouth, and then set the hook. Sometimes the bite will be really light so you gotta get some practice and learn to tell the difference between a bite and running over a rock or some weeds.
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>>954182 >And you need a boat to fish them, a boat that I don't have. dude what are you talking about, you can catch a fuckton of fish from a jetty on the bays in SoCal
down here in SD depending on the time of day/year you can get some corvinas, 'cudas, bonitos, and maybe even a butt or a juvie white sea bass crusing the surface just fishing from a rock wall/jetties in the bay.
plus spotties and short calicos and sand bass can also go for a surface lure like a fly
>>954186 do you get more tension on the line once they've actually swallowed it?
also, I'm guessing if you bump a rock and are not sure you should just give it some seconds and see if it keeps nibbling or not, rihgt?
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>>954143 I understand but sitting on a flats boat drinking Mikes hard lemonade in 100 dollar keen sandals having some poor guide chase tarpon and tailing permit for you is not a sport lol. It's just you having fun and not working for it.
But yeah most "minnow" or bait fish mimic flies work the same as a two colored buck tail fly.
>>954150 Meme lure and has garbage hook placement use any other lure that fills the role. You will catch more fish. If you want to use it for fun sure. If you're really lucky a large musky or pike will eat it.
>>954169 1. Fly fishermen
2. Bass fishermen
3. Saltwater fishermen
4. Freshwater fishermen
From most to least arrogant. Most being number 1. Bass people are pretty annoying especially when they have an 80 thousand dollar bass boat and think they own the water and screech autistically if you come near their spot. Fly fishermen are still worse because at least the bass guy won't talk shit to you for throwing a hard bait lure and give some spiel about the art and grace and sportsmanship about casting flies while sniffing his own farts.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954181 Also you were talking about drop-shotting the flukes. That works but you can also rig em different ways. You can Texas rig them and swim em or work them on the bottom or you can get the weighted swimbait hooks. Bottom one in this pic is the typical weighted swimbait hook. If you just want to swim them off the bottom and keep it moving, that's a good way to go. Those are super easy to run through cover as well.
If you do get some flukes and want to swim them, I highly recommend the paddle tail ones like the bottom of pic related. The Zoom Swimmin Super Flukes will have the paddle tail. Strike King KVD Perfect Plastics Swimm'n Caffeine Shads are probably my favorite paddle tail because they are the perfect size for largemouth and the grooves for the swimbait hook are perfect and they're damn near impossible to get caught up in weeds. Either way the paddle tail "swimmin" ones tend to do better than the regular split tail flukes. They stay straight up and down when you swim them and don't flip upside down like the split tails like to do and the paddle tail shit gives them more action and produces some vibration. I have heard good things about the Keitech paddle tails as well which are getting popular.
>>954193 aight, and when it comes to finding fish, I'm guessing drop-offs and cover is what I should be throwing at right?
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
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>>954191 Normally you keep tension on the line for the most part so you can feel the bites. I run braid which helps with sensitivity, but mono still works fine. You will be able to tell the difference between a bite and running over a rock after you catch a few fish on them, especially if you already have experience with saltwater and stuff. When the fish bites, they pull back a little bit and you can normally tell. If you think you have a bite, pause for a second so the fish has a chance to grab the whole bait, and set the hook. If it was just a rock, you will just end up rolling the bait over it and no big deal.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954195 Yeah pretty much. Best bet for bass is dawn and dusk. I always go in the afternoon and around an hour before sunset you will get the bigger guys coming up from deep water and hanging out right near the edge of dropoffs or vegetation waiting for a meal to pop out.
>>954198 ok, last question, if I want bites whats the lightest I can go without going too light? I'm thiking of running 8lb fluorocarbon to braid
>>954169 Salt
Nothing beats redneck (or SEAsian, Russian or Mexican) freshwater fishermen for sheer obnoxiousness though. Trash everywhere, no sportsmanship, music, drinking while fishing, etc.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954200 You can go as light as you want. But if you are running finesse 1/8oz Texas rigs on those slow summer days, you will probably end up tossing them with the spinning combo instead of the 30lb braid casting reel. I like to throw 1/4oz+ on my memecasters and spinning reels lighter than that.
You're overthinking it a bit anyway. You really don't need the flouro leader with bass. They aren't line shy at all. But flouro stretches much less than mono anyway so braid with a short flouro leader will still be really sensitive. And even with stretchy mono, you can still run Texas rigs fine. Just gotta git gud at feeling the bites.
TXLizadFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954150 Kek I have one.
>>954193 You know you're suppose to work the split tail flukes like a jerkbait right?
>>954215 well I was mostly thinking fluoro cause its abrasion resistant, which might be good if fishing heavy cover or if a bass gets gut hooked
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
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>>954219 Yeah I quickly learned the split tails aren't good for swimmin. But even trying to fish them like a jerkbait, I prefer the paddle tails if I'm going to keep them off the bottom. The split tails are fine on drop shots or even a T-rig or shakey head because then it looks like a baitfish digging it's nose into the bottom.
>>954221 Eh, it all depends where you are fishing. Unless it's really rocky, the braid normally works fine. If you are running the 30lb braid and going into heavy cover, I wouldn't even run the 8lb leader because that is a huge drop in strength. 30lb will pull through a whole lot more weeds than 8lb. If you don't have to go through thick weeds and want to run a lighter flouro leader, go for it.
>>954182 youre full of it..
stay inside.
eat twinkies
>>954119 >blah blah blah girl you sound salty af. grab a napkin out of your purse and wipe your rage tears away, this is fishing thread not bitching thread.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
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>>954240 >>954248 Fukken sikk bowfin
I think that second one is the "Giant Snek-Hedded Bowfin" and those are the ones I want to release in the canals. I mean think about it, they are larger so they will eat the smaller "Bullseye Snek-Hedded Bowfin" and then since they are bigger they will be easier to find and catch when they have eradicated the Bullseyes and we want to get rid of the Giants.
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>want to try out some new grubs >decide to go fishing >get to lake and start unpacking shit >can't find new grubs >angry that I forgot them, but decide to fish anyway >get home, put stuff away, and start emptying my pockets >fund grubs in my shirt pocket I really wish I wasn't retarded sometimes. I caught a little bass tho. Apparently some beavers built a dam and backed up a small creek and trapped some fish. Poor thing must have been starving, because he hit the tube as soon as it hit the water. Its gonna be a nice little pond to fish when all the algae clears out.
I was fishing for Crappie this morning and accidentally caught this guy. I about pissed myself when I saw that big honker coming out of the water.
>>954295 What were you using as bait?
>>954214 wow dude those are looking great. that micro glitter seems to light them up nice. need to pick up some of that. is that with d2t epoxy?
>>954209 >music, drinking while fishing, There's literally nothing wrong with either of those.
>>954300 I don't really have a problem with drinking, but music can get annoying. I just want to commune with nature and shit man, turn down that gay ass Florida-Georgia Line.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
>>954300 Depending where you are, it can be obnoxious as fuck. And there is a limit to it. When you turn the music up to MAX +100 and leave behind no less than 18 Corona bottles, it is too much.
>>954299 >dat mug Maybe she will make it to F&T #10,234
Hey guys, I'm wanting to record some of my fishing this season. I will be on a kayak and have a GoPro Hero Session that I got for christmas. Should I mount it to the kayak or what? i'm kind of afraid of it getting smacked off and sinking.
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>>954296 small jig, orange/black
first bass of 2017 up here in IL on the jerkbait SONNN
>>954300 Drunk rednecks in a bass boat blasting Kid Rock and leaving a trail of beer cans across the lake isn't wrong?
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>>954309 I thought it would still be too cold. I'm in KY and not getting out until the first week of april.
Congrats anyways.
>>954304 easy to make a camera pole from aftermarket $20 accessories packs. do you have rails mounted or a available rod holder? makes installation super easy. in the accessories packs theres usually a flange kit and a few adhesive pads to use. rail system makes adding on stuff a lot easier. the app so you can use a phone or tablet as a monitor is cool.
use a pool noodle ziptied onto the camera pole and in the kit is a float for the cam.
tl;dr search scotty mounts, theyre all you need unless you wanna diy
>>954319 Thanks, seems like a lot of work and I'm not very handy.
I don't have rails or a rod holder either
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
95% sure this was a spot. >mouth didn't go past the eye >rough patch on the tongue Either way buzzmeme came in clutch
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>>954322 you can mount a basic scotty base and then go from there, adding what you want onto them. camera is just the start.
>>954311 >we got the whole beach to ourselves >bbq, booze, music, weed, girls and pits >food is hella good, beers and shots >gills, cats, bass, crappie gettin slayed >some of these fools gettin lit af >smoke eat drink repeat 10x >dont really like their music >really want to fish rather than socialize >dudes aunt is drunk she keeps staring at me >always hated shore fishing in crowds >walk up river to get away for bit >it's quiet ommm.. peace is eternal.png >take a big ass shit in between 2 rocks [faint music in background]
>music sounds foreign to me >music gets louder and louder >bladdered wake boat blasting trap >flatbrim flicks cigarette butt in the water >hippy girl throws a pbr can at a duck >boat throws a 3' wave onto the shore >I mumble to myself. "das sum shit rite ther" Anonymous
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>>954322 its pretty easy to make yourself with pvc/abs but in the end its better to just spend a few bucks on a pole mount and get back to paddling.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7OVHtWeaQA Anonymous
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>>954148 I gotcha, that's why I was thinking about the Quadzilla because it's got a lot less things going on, they're also collapsible.
>>954062 Got another Abu Garcia vendetta rod to match my other one. It's a 7 foot medium fast action paired with a pflueger president XT 30x size reel. I was going to get an Abu Garcia revo sx spinning reel to it but the pflueger was 79 bucks instead of 160 for the Abu so easy choice and it's also red and black like the Abu revolution sx so it still matches the rod. It's better than the base president reel as well. Nice rubber cork handle, carbon fiber handle, and sealed drag.
The revo sx meme caster reels are on sale. I love mine so go get one guys. They are like 40 bucks off on tackle warehouse.
Reels are spooled with 15lb p line copolymer on the bait caster and 8lb copolymer on the spinning reel.
>>954371 My bad on the typos guys. I'm on mobile but you get the gist. If you have questions about the rods or reels ask away. Someone here has the vendetta rod too
mackinaw !!goTsQpUyoTC
>>954326 yeah that's a spotted bass, notch in the dorsal fin and square/diamondish spots below the lateral line
>>954373 >>954371 These Columbia hats are legit too. Stretch fit and comfy.
They have ones with bass, redfish, tarpon, sail fish, specks, etc etc but got the one with the octopus hook.
I know I'm just showing shot I bought today but I haven't been fishing in a while so no fish pics.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954380 I thought so. I think is the first legitimate spot I've caught.
>>954394 I really like these, but no store carries a size that will fit my head.
Redington anon !7N40RVTnT6
>>954404 I got the other one for bug game too. It's below it there in that pic.
>>954402 I got a huge head and the xl fits me. You can order them online even bigger I think
anyone got any recomendation for a spinning rod to catch bass with 8-12lb line from shore?
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954408 Nah mines too small. I tried on a S/M and it fit okayish, but it would get blown/ fall off pretty easy
>>954416 Damn you must have a tiny head dude or its really oval shaped and skinny.
G Loomis makes hats that would fit you well I bet. Bass pro has them right now
>>954144 Do you fish for tarpon? And if you do what lures do you recommend?
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>>954415 I just bought this
>>954371 one spooled with 8lb
It's a Plueger President XT 30X size on a 7 foot medium fast action Abu Garcia vendetta graphite rod rated for 6lb to 12lb line.
Any reels and rods in those price ranges will do you well.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954371 Lel that's the same combo I have. They came out with that President LE for 2016 and then changed the colors and made it the "XT" in 2017. It's a straight reel. What I really like about it is the size of those 30s. They are a little but smaller than most 30/3000 size reels which is fine by me because it has 15lb braid on it anyway so I don't need a 175yd capacity for 12lb mono.
EastBayCAguy !!H7dnYuBYhR0
I'm replacing the foam grip on my ugly stik gx2 with wood for aesthetic purposes. Here's the wood grip before I put it on.
mackinaw !!goTsQpUyoTC
anyone have experience fishing open rivers in the winter? its getting warm, not looking to muck around in slush all day on the ice
EastBayCAguy !!H7dnYuBYhR0
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And after I epoxied and put it in the vice overnight.
>>954427 I agree. The size of it compared to a Sahara or Sedona by Shimano 3000 is better imo.
I actually like that reel you got more with the rosewood handle and more black but whatever.
The sealed drag makes it worth the extra cash.
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>>954430 fish low and slow
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954422 I think I just like my hats really tight. I have enough hats as it is. I only wear 3 of them consistently.
Or maybe I have a tiny head the fuck if know lol
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>>954429 nice...I would add some tubing
EastBayCAguy !!H7dnYuBYhR0
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You can see I also replaced the front grip with a paracord wrapping, which is epoxied on underneath. This is the rod butt here, it will have a split grip design.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954433 Is that what the difference is? I was just trying to compare it with the regular $60 President and I thought it was all aesthetic stuff like the wood handle and that carbon fiber lookin arm for the handle but I never opened the thing up and compared them side by side. And I still haven't used the regular President much since it is the 35 with 30lb braid and I have been using memecasters instead when I want to throw something 1/2oz+.
The paint they did on those 2016 reels is cool tho. It has little blue and silver metal flakes in it that you can only see in bright light. Probably better you got that XT instead of the Revo SX because that is a lot of money to spend on a spinning reel for freshwater. And it's a President so you know it will be bulletproof. If I were going to spend $150+ on a spinning reel for fresh, I would get a Stradic CI4 or whatever.
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>>954446 Yeah you're right about that spinning reel price difference. But yeah that arm is actually carbon fiber. It's not just a coating. The body frame is a different material too and the drag is sealed so it's safe from corrosion.
I have to micro pflueger supremes I really like that I have on ultralight rods I use for trout and casting single pieces of corn to carp for battles on the light gear.
But yeah at 150 dollars up I would start going for Shimano reels.
how you make a spoon more shiny?
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>>954478 Polish and clear coat or stick flash tape to it and trim to size.
>>954446 What's the best braid line besides power pro. Tuff line? Kast king?
Anyone using Gulp Sand Eels for seatrout and the likes? Or just calling softbait-experts... What size hook would you recommend for a Gulp sand eel? I want to use weighted hooks as in the picture to keep the shit from rotating like a motherfucker. Mainly concerned about the gap size... Sadly softbaits and shit aren't that large here in Denmark so I can't seem to find those weighted bent hooks in any local shops so I have to buy online to get what I want and would hate to wait 3 weeks for the chinks to ship my shit only to get the wrong size. Else I would just go to the local shop and buy my shit... Thanks in advance...
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>>954507 3 ought or 4 ought hook
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954507 Pic related shows the size of Aberdeen hooks so those will be kinda close. Other anon is probably right saying 3/0 or 4/0. I would probably do 4/0 since I like going a little larger if I'm indecisive otherwise the hook might not poke through enough and you could lose a catch.
I will take a pic in a couple minutes of the actual hooks next to a ruler.
Btw, with those weighted swimbait hooks, there are a bunch of different options. Some of them you can slide the weight up and down the hook to change the balance and get the presentation you want.
>>954506 Idk people seem to like Suffix. I just stick with PowerPro these days after buying a bunch of SpiderWire Stealth Braid and being pissed off.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954507 >>954561 I think pic related is 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, and 5/0. The 5/0 with the black weight is a VMC, I kinda like those and they aren't too expensive. And the 4/0 is probably a Gamakatsu and I think those ones you can move the weight around.
I finally went fishing with my dad I ended his streak of atleast one trout, and his longer streak of no bites at all. Good news is that he showed me two good holes to fish.
>>954561 >>954564 Actual sizes in mm (or whatever unit you want) is easy to find but thanks for the pic.
The thing I am unsure about is how much protrusion is 'good'. So far none of the pics I have found with a hook and a plasticthingie show any scale or say how big the lure/hook is.
Damn supermarkets and their clearing sales. If not for that I would not have bought those Gulp-fuckers and have this problem. They were around 1/3 usual price though. Easy to get seduced that way...
An alternative idea just popped up... maybe just buy some wide gap hooks of assorted sizes and bend them and find some way of adding a bit of weight myself. Off the top of my head thinking drilling a small hole in a small standard sinker or something. With the right hook it should be fine even after the bending. I remember doing that quite some years ago to make weedless flies for pike...
>>954565 Fishing with your dad is god-tier comfy... sounds like you had a nice trip.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>954506 Suffix 832 is pretty good
>>954561 >>954564 >>954566 fuck off fag stop replying to your self and get a life
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>954566 Depends on the bait too. A lot of the baits that are made to run with those hooks will actually have a slot cut into the bottom of the bait so the weight and hook barely sticks out of the bottom. When the fish hits it, the barb comes out of the top.
Pic related is probably a 4" or 10cm bait with a 4/0 in there and it has plenty of room to come out the top with that groove cut in the bottom.
>>954583 Thx for contributing ;^)
>>954062 What should determine sinker weight when Texas rigging?
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>>954074 Beetlespin with half a powerworm on it is literally the only way I can semi-reliably catch largemouth.
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>>954074 Beetle spin with half a powerworm on it is literally the only way I can semi-reliably catch largemouth.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>954594 Depth, lure/size type, wind, and rod power is usually what I go by.
If I'm dragging or flipping I usually use a higher weight than if I'm swimming or hopping a lure.
EastBayCAguy !!H7dnYuBYhR0
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>>954561 I bought a roll of 20lb sufix braid a few years ago. It was really big diameter and didn't even feel like braid.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>954594 Wut tx fag said. Wind is a factor too if you are trying to get it to stay on the bottom.
I prefer to go as light as I can while still getting a good cast and where a crosswind won't pick it up off the bottom. Gives it a better action as it falls slower and the tail is able to stand up off the bottom a bit more. If you go too heavy, the weight will drag that shit right down into the mud and the fish won't even see it. But on hot summer days when the bass are deep in the middle of the lake, the only option is a 1/2oz+ bullet purely for casting distance.
>>954062 I bought a 6'6 Ugly Stik with a size 30 reel on it as babby's first spinning rod, attempted to spool 14lb fluoro on it, and it shat half of the line off as soon as I opened the bail and attempted to cast it.
Did I load too big of line on it, or did I just fuck up when spooling and twist the shit outta the line?
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954689 I wouldn't suggest flouro on a spinning reel in general.
If I had to guess you most likely didn't spool it tight enough tho.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954689 You probably put too much line on it. Flouro is stiff too so it's easier for it to jump off like that, especially considering it is heavier line. Rule of thumb is you want to leave about 1/8" worth of space on the spool. Tried to take pic related to show, but stop spooling when there is still a tiny bit of flat spot left on the reel spool. Fwiw this reel is a little low ever since a duck got tangled in the line.
There's also the trick where you can run hot water over the spool. Keep tension on the line while you spool it so it is nice and tight and then pour some hot water over it or dunk it and it helps the line form to the spool. But that's for mono so idk if it will work as well for flouro.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954692 First time I ever tried flouro on a spinning reel, that shit all jumped off. But it was also on a Shimano reel and those spool all have a taper where it looks like you have it just to capacity but it is overfilled.
>>954689 As others said: fluoro is stiff and odds are you put too much line on.
Generally I would advice fluoro as leader only. Both due to stiffness but also price and that the advatage of fluoro is it being less visible under water.
>>954689 >>954692 >>954693 >>954695 >>954700 I bought fluoro for it after reading all of this shit about it being the most versatile and most sensitive and shit like that, which appeals to me as a noob fisherman with only one rod and barely any idea of what I'm doing.
What about something like a meme hybrid line like Yo-Zuri's, and just using the fluoro as a leader when using soft plastics?
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954705 Just get mono. 8lb or 10lb. If you really don't want to do mono, get down on 15lb or 20lb PowerPro.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954705 Also to add, flouro is strange as a main line for lots of reasons. It is stiff and heavy so it will run deeper. Knots can be tricky with heavy flouro. Most people who run flouro as a main line will have it on like one or two rods, braid on a couple, and mono on the majority of the stuff.
There are mixed reviews on Fireline and shit like that Yo-Zuri but you should try and run regular mono first just to see how fishing works. Save the flouro for leaders when you actually need it (which isn't often if you are going for bass).
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954705 >I bought fluoro for it after reading all of this shit about it being the most versatile and most sensitive and shit like that I agree with this on memecasters. For spinning I'd use braid + flouro leader, or mono if you don't want to commit to braid.
>What about something like a meme hybrid line I have P-Line flouroclear on one of my setups and I like it enough. Definitely more sensitive than regular mono, but still pretty stretchy.
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>>954705 Flouro isn't good as a main line.
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>>954705 Best piece of advice I can give you if you have no idea what you are doing is this: go down to your local fishing gear pusher (tackleshop I guess burgers call them) and ask them. They should be more than happy to help you and answer any questions you might have.
>>954705 hybrid lines suck dick
Buy 8 lb mono or 15 lb power pro
>>954182 >caught in the bay >from shore >no bote needed Anonymous
>>954311 >>954303 >>954301 I guess I understand. I don't live down south and nobody really does that around here except in popular boating areas, and nobody fishes there anyway. My idea of drinking and music while fishing is a bluetooth speaker and a 12 pack between 4 people.
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>>954740 There's a lot of that in the midwest and great lakes too.
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>>954736 nice spottie bro, what bay?
>>954709 >>954719 >>954727 I'm really leaning braid.
How about Suffix?
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>954774 If you do suffix get 832. Otherwise go power pro. I prefer to run a leader with my braid, but it's not necessary for bass.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954774 Just get PowerPro. It is the standby. Somebody else just mentioned earlier that they didn't like Suffix at all because it seemed really thick and stiff for the weight. Nobody ever has issues with PowerPro.
20lb or 15lb.
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>>954780 Tuf-Line is supposed to be good as well.
Always though power pro tied kind of shitty.
As long as he doesn't get spider wire lol
>>954774 >leaning braid There's really only 1 downside to using braid.
>>954780 It's posts like these that really make me wonder if you are a paid shill.
Power pro super slick and suffix 832 are literally exactly the same thing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is memeing
>>954798 If it's that windy mono will duck up too. Get a superline
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>>954811 That's hurricane winds.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954810 I wish I were paid. I mentioned Suffix as another good braid up there with PowerPro and then I think it was CAbay dude who said he didn't like it. PowerPro just works tho, not worth wasting $30+ on a spool of some other braid that will let you down when PowerPro is right there and you know that it is going to be good.
>>954811 Lel. Never had a wind knot. Ever. And there's constant wind here, a lot of days it's gusting 25mph+. Idk what you fags are doing out there to get those.
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>>954811 >>954818 For me it just drifts into places I don't want to go or it will literally cast up and backwards and never reach the water if the wind is blowing towards me from the water. I'd need to put a massive sinker on to get it out.
>>954062 Are red hooks a meme?
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>>954818 He could've bought the cheaper suffix. Power pro makes a 4 strand braid that's really rough and thick too.
about to go get my first set of fishing equipment. Im going to be lake fishing for trout. Heres my list so far, am I missing anything? I own no fishing equipment at the moment, so what i list is what ill be taking to the lake with me. tacklebox, knife(s) 7 ft light-ultralight rod 4 and 6lb mono and a reel 4-8 size hooks a few small round bobbers and a few thin long ones 1/4th weights plastic grubs, 1-2 inches inline spinners with swivels and small split rings a few small minnow crankbaits possibly spoons if i see any that catch my eye it feels like im missing some important things
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954847 You don't gotta go huge all at first. Try a couple things, see what works, ask what other people are having luck with, expand on that.
Rod sounds straight, then just get some assorted hooks, split shots, and a couple bobbers for live bait. Inline spinners are always good along with small Rapalas and stuff. And then if you do the grubs or any other soft plastics like PowerBait or Trout Magnets, get an assortment of jigheads. Beetle spins and underspins are fun to run for panfish as well. But the right sized jighead with the right little grub will always get bites.
Make sure you got some good pliers or forceps too.
>>954564 esplain to me the springy things on those hooks please. How use?
>>954565 >fishing with my dad I can't cuz he's deddededed. Suicide sucks. He loved to fish. I hadn't been with him since I was a wee one.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>954856 It's like a corkscrew and screws into the nose of the bait.
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>>954706 >If you really don't want to do mono, get down on 15lb or 20lb PowerPro and use your flouro for a leader.....
>>954851 Pliers, how did I forget that.
Thanks for the info, I was a little worried about my rod choice.
Do the colors/size of the jig head have a significant effect?
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>>954774 cabela's braid is as good as Power Pro for less $ if you have one near, otherwise PP
It's good for at least 3 years and you can always reload your reel reversing the line.
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>>954798 yeah, wind knots blow...........
>>954172 >water is clear but stained brown what do you mean by this?
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954878 Just be weary of the UL rods. Don't get something super fucking flimsy or you will have a hard time casting anything >1/8oz. Either way just don't drop a ton on a rod, that way you can figure out what you like about it and what you would change and it will be easier to upgrade and shelve the cheap one. You could run a lighter "M" rod with 6lb line and be super versatile and still cast 1/16oz stuff but just play around with them and find one that looks good. I complain about this too, I wish there was a better selection of rods that are heavier than UL's but lighter than M's.
And jigheads, you can get an assorted pack in all sorts of colors. Panfish around here like the cichlids love bright shit and the assorted packs will always have hot pinks and yellows and orange so I just use whatever. I think the action of the soft bait gets them more than the color of the jighead. Heavier jigheads will make the baits faill faster and run deeper of course. Some days you want to go lighter so they fall slower and get a nice little flutter. I was mentioning that with the anon asking about Texas rigs earlier.
But with the jigheads, the heavier ones normally have larger hooks. You will probably want a pack of 1/8oz and 1/16oz jigheads for smaller grubs and shit. 1/4oz jigheads are more for bigger crappie and small to medium bass.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>954885 Like tanin from wood where you can still see the bottom through a few feet of water but it almost looks like tea. Some of my man made lakes around here are like that. It's not muddy so the fish can see some distance through the water but the brown tint distorts the colors a little. Chartruese seems to work in those lakes for some reason.
704z shill
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>>954425 I've never landed a tarpon before but the 2 I've hooked were on a 3/4 oz gold kastmaster and a white zoom fluke. Both of them shook the lures out.
Does anything like these little red-eared newts enough to justify rounding up a bunch?
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>>954915 I've used those on many occasions and they've never worked. Might because they are toxic when eaten.
Does anything eat these little red-spotted newts enough to justify rounding up a bunch?
EastBayCAguy !!H7dnYuBYhR0
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>>954917 Not that I know of, they might be poisonous and fish will avoid them. I would feel bad about using little newts as bait, too. Baitfish are shiny and move around more too.
It's about damn time someone made a spincast that isn't absolute dogshit. Yes I actually bought one today. Was gonna just get an Abumatic 170 but they didn't have one. Guy said they just came in and I played around with it for a minute. Why spincast? Last year I got into the baitcast meme and while I enjoy it, there's times when I can't be bothered. I bought and returned 5 spincast reels last year trying to find one worth my time and came to the conclusion that they're all shit. I considered the zebco Omega lineup but they all have slow inch per turn. This model claims 27 inches per turn and has bearing roller pickups so I'm gonna go full retard and put some 40 lb braid on it tomorrow. Got some of that 8 braid spiderwire which feels pretty round and smooth to me. Will report back after fishing the next few days, it's supposed to break 80 degrees here in southeast GA later this week.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954927 >Spiderwire Gross. Have fun cutting off 5yds of frayed line every time you go out.
I'm not even going to say anything about the spincast. I think it's time we check you into a nursing home though.
>>954929 lol i've got power pro and spiderwire braid on a bunch of reels, never had issue with either yet i've heard complaints about both.
i'm good on the nursing home though.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954927 Btw, how many lbs of drag can you get out of the thing?
>>954927 >he bought a high end spinmemester I don't believe you. Post pics when you get it.
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
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>>954933 While I think your reel is tarded I will back you up on the spiderwire.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954927 Why would you choose this over a spinning reel
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>>954934 it's claimed 14 lbs but trying it out in the store it was surprisingly resistant.
>>954936 I left it out in the car so I can put it on a rod and spool it up at work tomorrow but I'll see what I can do.
>>954940 Because I have 4 of spinning reels already.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954940 Because he's 89 years old and senile
>>954927 >he spent $100 on a spincaster I want to believe.
>>954944 He's from GA so by definition he's legally retarded
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>954946 >tfw wasn't born and raised in FL but willingly moved here Which is worse?
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>954942 I mean if it works for you more power to you.
>>954943 Kek. When I was working at the ranch I fished with my boss and he used a damn spin cast and a beetle spin and out fished me. I gave him the good side of the pond tho.
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>>954847 You left off boat, kayak, other floating type vessel.
>>954889 >better selection of rods that are heavier than UL's but lighter than M's kmn, they are called LIGHT.... they do actually make these.
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>>954933 >good on the nursing home There's some big time sexing going on in them and no worries of pregos. Viagra is a game changer
Finally got to wet a line at the local pond today. Nothing but dinks! Glad to be out there though and that's what counts
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954955 Stores in places that mostly have bass fishing don't carry a lot of them though. You're lucky to find 1-2 different brands. I really want a ML with a medium action to work light jerks and spy baits, but they're damn near impossible to find.
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>>954959 >bass fishing don't carry a lot of them You are correct.
>>954371 Got my first fish on the new rod. Might be the local parks dumbest fish. His mouth was fucked up super bad. Caught him on a bed. He had two small j hooks in his mouth already and other cuts in his mouth along with the broken jaw joint piece.
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>>954957 >posting a picture of your child on 4chan Dude why.....
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>>954955 You can actually find lots of ugly sticks and glass rods categorized that way. Browning stocks a lot of spinning rods from ultra light to light to medium light at most bass pros and cabelas
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>>955008 The absolute madman
>>955008 You're a retard if you bought that.
Any bait caster will out perform that. An Abu Garcia black max or silver max nig tier dollar general bait caster would be better. That zebco won't cast light lures well just like a bait caster.
That's what spinning reels are for.
A sucker is born every minute.
>>955033 I already have a bait caster, you might have missed that part.
>>955038 Yous till bought garbage tho
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>954957 At least you're catching them. It's been pretty slow for me.
>>955020 Bed fish are extra dumb.
>>955039 There's literally zero reviews on it so I'll have to get back to you whether or not it's junk.
Variety is the spice of life, surely you don't just fish with two types of lures.
>>955041 No, but I do just fish two types of reels cause I'm not dumb
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>>955040 I know they are dumb but I couldn't believe how aggressive it still was after being caught so many times
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>>954858 Sorry about your dad anon
EastBayCAguy !!H7dnYuBYhR0
>>955042 No centerpin reels? :<)
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>>955087 I don't into fly, might one day, just no interest right now.
Where I live its applications are kinda limited and not suited for the type of shit I do
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>>954858 He probably killed himself when he saw how you casted lures like a girl.
Any general rule of thumb for knowing if a water source is safe to eat fish from? It's starting to warm up in the south and I want to catch a bunch of bluegill and fry them up with some buddies.
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>>955107 Fish and game tests and reports waterways for common kept fish. Check your states game and fish reports.
Also...if you eat it once every few months or once a year and it's mercury contaminated fish you're still fine. All the fish in Arizona are loaded with mercury where I live so you just can't eat them every week.
Now....PCBs and other organic toxins.....Idk bud. But be careful California has areas where croaker/whiting are super toxic and full of organic poisons like PCBs. Florida and Texas ban areas they call super fund sites that are toxic.
Use Google and read your local areas info. Usually signs are posted if the area is a super cancer fest because they don't want to be sued.
If you're fat as fuck, smoke, and drink it doesn't matter. That will kill you first so eat whatever anyway because you're gonna die in your 50s anyway.
Got my first rod/reel on the weekend! How do I go about setting the line up? It's already spooled on the reel, but do I tie a leader on the end of the line? What knots should be used? The line is 10lb mono
>>955134 >>955134 Tie an improved fisherman's clinch knot. You don't leader. Just tie straight mono to the hook.
If you have a Shakespeare spinning reel good luck it's garbage.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>954955 They can be tricky to find in certain brands. A lot of times the best way to go would be looking for species specific rods and look for a crappie or trout rod that fits into that category.
>>955039 >>955033 He was born in 1931, cut him some slack
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955157 Lel. Fight the good fight with me and try to get these kids to stop buying those $50 Ugly Stik combos
Seriously, you could spend $10 more and get something so much better.
>>955134 Run the line through a couple guides, under the bail, tie a knot (arbor knot is popular) around the spool, keep tension on the line while you are cranking it, and stop when there is about 1/8" of space left on the spool. No need for a leader. Palomar knot is based for tying hooks and swivels.
>>955134 Arbor: Line to reel
Half Hitch: Line to reel after Arbor (Also use in fly tying)
Palomar: Leader to lure/hook.
Improved Clinch: Leader to lure/hook.
Double Surgeon's Loop: Leader to lure when extra play/action is needed in lure.
Double Uni: Line to leader
FG: Line to leader (low profile)
I rarely use Palomar, Double Uni, and Double Surgeon's Loop.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955166 I used to tie clinch knots and trilene knots and all that bullshit and now it's pretty much 100% Palomar ever since I learned it. Easy to tie, has great strength, and will never come loose on braid or light to medium weight mono and lighter flouro. Only time I tie something else is with heavier flouro since it is so stiff. Heavy flouro doesn't like to get tight with any knots but there are a few that are better than the Palomar.
Otherwise all I ever tie is uni-uni for splicing and leaders and surgeon's loop when I make the pre-tied rigs. When I'm tying line to the spool, I just do whatever crazy big knot I can get the tightest.
>>955170 Palomar is annoying as fuck on jerkbaits and lures. It's acceptable on single hooks. Most single hooks not used for soft plastics should be snelled anyway as its stronger and works better for circle hooks and live bait and the style of hook set associated with them.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955172 >Palomar is annoying as fuck on jerkbaits and lures. Do you mean tying it, or that it negatively effects the action some way?
>Most single hooks not used for soft plastics should be snelled There's a couple pros who insist on using a snell anytime they use a flipping hook. Gary Yamamoto uses one when he ties on a sneko, but that seems pretty pointless to me.
>>955177 So you guys tie on a different lure every time instead of using leaders?
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955177 +1 on the knots not making any real difference
>>955187 I use fast snaps because I'm lazy and always changing lures
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955187 If I was using a mono main line yes. The only time I use a leader is with braid, and that's mostly so my braid last longer, not because it's really necessary.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955196 When I caught my first peacock in crystal clear bath tub water with bright red braid, that's when I realized that flouro leaders don't do shit when it comes to bass fishing.
Plus the lures are generally larger so even if you're running 40lb braid, the bass are paying too much attention to the lure to even notice the line.
>>955166 I forgot Snell knot for bait hooks and eyeless hooks.
>>955170 >>955172 >>955177 >>955187 >>955193 >>955196 >>955201 To each their own, but each knot has its purpose which directly affects the lure/hook and how it moves and applies force to the line. Snaps and such are not used for some lures simply because they add too much weight and/or adversely affect the action of the lure. Much of n/ZnkB9jUw's tackle isn't affected by snaps and such.
For instance, if I need to tie on a wee tiny ultra light lure that has action it imparts on itself, I use a double surgeon's loop. If the lure it large and unaffected by a snap, I'll use a double clinch knot. If the leader to main line knot is outside the pole's eyes when reeled in I'll use a uni-uni knot. If the knot must be reeled past the eyelets I'll use an FG knot to help with casting. I also use uni-uni knots for making sabiki rigs and similar 3-ways rigs.
should i go microfishing today? second day of warm weather so stuff may be getting active
>>955208 Of course.
>tfw the shallow side of the river is on my side and can't microfish, because can't cast that far. When I was casting larger stuff they kept striking my lures on the other side where it is deep.
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>>955213 its a little brook i might fish today, ostgly creek chubs but some shiner species as well
>>955213 how do you even microfish a deep river?
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955204 Plus now I use those tiny snaps instead of the whole snap swivel, so there isn't really an effect on 1/4oz+ bass lures. But if I'm running a 1/32oz Mini Mite or 1/16oz underspin, it will be tied right on the line.
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>>955219 Same as any place. The microdinks always come up.
Trying to go catfishing with chicken livers for the first time today. Do you need some special setup to keep them on the hook or is that just to make it easier?
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>>955303 Drop shot with a float or Carolina rig. Chum using the blood. No bites after 20mins? Move to a new spot and start chumming again.
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>>955303 Chicken livers are overrated in my book, bait fish has always produced the best for me
>>954062 Full size Brush Hogs or baby?
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955392 There isn't a huge difference in size. 4" or 5" vs 6" I think. I use the baby ones more just because constant warm water and most days the fish would rather go for a smaller one. I do so much better with Zoom Finesse Worms compared to Trick Worms or U-Tails or these fat Culprits I run sometimes.
Best baitcaster in the $100-$125 range? Preferrably something I can pick up at Dicks or Bass Pro instead of something obscure. Abu Silver Max is my only baitcaster, looking for something as a next step up.
>>955409 Abu Garcia revo sx. It's on sale right now for 119 instead of 160 at bass pro. It's black and red.
>>955411 i was looking at the lews slp laser as my local shop has them for $109. better or worse than the abu revo sx?
http://www.basspro.com/Lews-Team-Laser-SLP-Speed-Spool-Baitcast-Reel/product/163692/ Anonymous
>>955415 Similar but honestly think the Abu is better. In my opinion Shimano, Abu garcia, and 13 fishing make the best bait casters these days.
Lews has qc issues and I honestly don't know why they are popular besides the Bubba Mikes tier redneck name
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>>955409 I like my old citica E
>>955417 my bad man i had to look up the link, the one at my shop is a lews mach 1 speed spool for 109. same white/green colors threw me off.
http://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/lews-mach-1-baitcast-reel-right-handed Anonymous
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>>955419 Still think the revo sx is better. It's on sale right now and normally 40 bucks more for a reason.
It's a ridiculously light weight reel as well.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955419 I have the Mach 1 and Revo SX, the SX is nicer. Lighter and nicer to palm. At the sale price they have right now, it's a really good deal. Put it on a good rod that is lightweight and you will be amazed.
Only thing is the Revo SX is a little less forgiving, but when you get it right it will cast so smooth.
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>found fishing stuff on sale >time to buy it all
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>>954740 >My idea of drinking and music while fishing is a bluetooth speaker and a 12 pack between 4 people. That can be really comfy. I'll get a couple of buddies together every now and then and go catfishing like that. However, I always try to be respectful and if theres anyone else around we're always mindful of them.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955409 >>955419 FWIW, I think the only upside to the Lew's would be the braking system because it has centrifugal and magnetic while the SX is just magnetic. But I never even mess with the centrifugal anyway, leave em off and the magnetic alone has been working fine.
The Mach 1 feels like an upgrade when you have been using the Silver Max, but the Revo SX feels like it is on another level. Not that it's the best memecaster, but the materials and shit are good for <$200 and it weighs nothing. Like I mentioned earlier too, I think the smaller body is nice to palm. I have pretty big hands so not like the Lew's is an issue but if you put the Abu on a good balanced rod, it's a whole new type of memecasting.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955417 >Shimano, Abu garcia, and 13 fishing I agree with this
>Lews has qc issues Really like my lews. I haven't really seen any qc complaints on their new stuff. I also, only have one so I can't say all the models are good.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955435 Jesus my grammar was terrible I need to sleep
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955435 You have the STX too, right? That's about the same as the SX with the better braking system. Wouldn't you agree it's a tier above the Lew's? And you have the better Mach with the comfy grips.
>>955436 was it you that got that soft boddied crankabit once?
>>955437 >>955436 >>955435 I guess man I just really think abu, shimano, and 13 fishing shit on Lews reels. Lews and 13 fishing spinning reels are garbage compared to shimano especially.
A lot of Lews reels have chintsy workmanship on them. They remind me of those Johnny Morris carbonlite reels that are all white. Odd mold finish and edges. Tag ends not buffed off. Idk....
Pflueger makes good spinning reels on part with shimano but their bait casters are on part with quantum with shimano and abu Garcia above both of them still.
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>>955440 On par, not part. Fucking phone.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955440 I keep hearing that the more I'm around. Abu for the memecasters and Pflueger for the spinning reels and Shimano is decent all around but you gonna pay for it. They're the companies that came up with a good design and stuck with it while improving small things. The companies like Quantum where they try and redesign their whole product line every 2-3 years are hit and miss.
Did you but a white Carbonline baitcaster? How is it? I hear pretty good things about the Bass Pro baitcasters but you also have to remember that's not a super expensive reel especially for casting reels. I'm still thinking about that BPS Titanium.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955437 >Wouldn't you agree it's a tier above the Lew's? Yes, but honesty not by much. Those STXs are $200 now ($250 when I bought it I think) and the Lews Combo is $180, so I was not expecting the lews to be as solid as it is.
I've held the Mach 1 reels and they don't feel as good as the Mach II reels. I know I've looked at the SX, but I couldn't honestly say where it falls Inbetween the Mach II and STX.
TL;DR get the Abu, but lews (at least the MachII) is solid.
>>955438 Yeah I got one in a LTB or MTB. It had a nice action to it, but I would probably only throw it in clearish water. Lost it before I caught anything with it. I have a BPS one I've been meaning to try out.
>>955440 I feel you on some of that. I still feel like with some Shimano reels you're paying a little more for it because it says 'Shimano' on it.
>>955457 if you want more i found some on sale for $1 each
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955457 You really paid $250 for the STX? That sucks, that one has been like $199 everywhere for the past few years.
And what's the final verdict on the Shimano after having it for a bit? I'm guessing it's "No complaints but you could get something a little nicer for the same money from other companies."
ok guys i'll look into an abu in my price range. seeing as i already have the silver max, what makes the more expensive models more betterererer? aside from weight savings which honestly i don't find the silvermax heavy at all.
>>955460 the actual website they have , looks like theyre discontinued
http://troutmagnet.com/clearance.html?p=2 im going to buy a whole bunch of shit tomorrow also jig heads for dirt cheap
>>955455 The bps reels are okay and as understand it people think Pflueger make or supply parts. Where they are assembled I don't know. I could be recalling wrong but every carbonlite reel I have held or used by a friend cones across as cheap feeling and looking for the 100 dollar price tag. I would rather have a budget Abu reel almost and those silver maxes are cheap.
If you buy anything besides abu, shimano, daiwa, 13 fishing, and pflueger you cannot complain when things go wrong man.
The newer daiwa reels look and feel sick. If I could afford a new fleet of reels I would get some tatula type r's. Honestly lews comes off as bass pro brand quality b for 40 to 80 dollars more because it says lews on it.
I can honestly say I will never buy a bass pro, cabelasx or Lew's reel. I had 2 different bass pro brand reels but abu, shimano, and daiwa and 13 fishing have awesome gear offerings and salt specific lines.
Plus when you look to spend 300 dollars or more on a reel abu, shimano, and daiwa are the way to go especially for spinning reels.
What about Penn you ask? Meh. Bygone Era that hasn't adapted to the times.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955462 Better materials, bearings, same shit for basically any fishing reel. Stuff on the Silver Max that is made of plastic will be metal on the Revo. Stuff that is metal on the Silver Max will be made of fancy plastic on the Revo. All reels have the same basic parts, it's the small things that make em cost more.
I mean you can't go wrong with the Lew's. TXfag and I both have em and no issues yet. But if you are going to pay $110 for the Lew's and the Abu is on sale for $120, get the Abu because it is better. If you can find the Lew's on sale (I got the Lew's combo for like $120 shipped with some deals at Dick's) that wouldn't be a bad choice.
>>955462 Internals and frame materials are greatly upgraded. Look up the technical specs of the reel and the drag max weight vs the silvermaxx. Look at how big the crank housing is on the revo sx vs the silvermaxx while still being low profile. The internals are much better. Drag is sealed. Bearing count and material. Anti reverse instant. Etc etc.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955464 Daiwa is on my list of reels to get too, just never see many of them around for good deals. I would be down to try a Tatula memecaster, I would probably do that before a Shimano. If I drop some money on a new spinning reel in the future, it will probably be a Shimano unless I grab a Penn combo for salt.
I don't know what I want to do. So many options, not enough shekels, and I really don't need any of them.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>955461 Unless I'm misremembering $250 was the cheapest it was anywhere that wasn't eBay. Maybe my cart total was $250 I don't really remember desu.
I actually really like that Shimano. Its my second favorite reel at the moment. It's probably one of the better reels in that price range for sure.
>>955463 Ah cool I might grab some stuff. Thanks anon.
>>955462 Like peps said materials and bearings pretty much. High quality ball bearings are actually really expensive that's why higher priced reels can cast farther and lighter baits.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955470 Damn, that pic is interesting. I think the crank housing is probably the same size but the Revo is a little smaller overall. And reminded me of one nice thing about the Revo compared to the Silver Max- the spool tension knob. The one on the Silver Max doesn't click so it's harder to judge how much you are changing it and doesn't always stay set.
>>955471 The tatula type r is a slick whore of a reel.
I like the innovations Daiwa is making on the line guides on the meme casters.
I think Abu is putting their revo line on sale because the new reels coming out are going to change get the front end to similar styles on the Daiwa for better cast distance and line lay down upon reeling in.
I honestly think the Shimano curados that were green and gold sparkles were better than the new shiny sharp edged ones but whatever. Shimano makes great bicycle components too. They know gears and chains and lube and bearings well and why their stuff lasts.
Daiwa saltist conventional reels are bad ass too for surf fishing.
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>>955474 The revo has bigger gears that are beefier than the silvermax. The silvermax gear and shafts connections are plastic behind that housing. I have opened one. The revo is metal and larger inside. The revo also has much better water proofing and grease and lube.
>>955474 >>955475 Behind this part I marked is where you see the difference on internals. The plastic housing is smaller on the silver maxx. It's graphite and metal on the revo.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955478 Intredasting
Where is that fag anyway? I was gonna tell him he should try a fast reel whatever he decides on. Like 7.0:1+. I'm a big fan of that faster Lew's. Makes no difference if I want to run something slow, I just have to crank a little slower for a given speed. But when I want to bring a bait in real fast over some weeds or whatever, it's nice.
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>>955479 Abu makes a 9 ratio and and 8 ratio one if you want retard fast. Their revolution rocket spinning reel is super fast too.
But if I save up enough I'm gonna get a faster one I have the revo sx in the 6 gear ratio.
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>>955479 The revo rocket meme caster
>>955479 fag reporting in, yeah i'm planning to go 7:1 or higher this reel around.
i'll play around with that daiwa tatula CT when i'm in the store tomorrow as well.
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>>955485 The big 3 abu, Shimano, and Daiwa are all good choices with 13 fishing possibly competing.
what's up with these low-mid range abu's having 18-20 lb drag and the daiwa tatula lineup having 13.2 lb drag? i figured they would be closer to 20. huh.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955487 Probably spent their time making other things better. No one uses 13lbs of drag for a majority of fishing let alone 20lb.
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>>955488 >>955487 That drag is standard because it was designed to deal with saltwater fish. The drag is strong on the cheaper reels but it won't stand up to being screamed by a monster fish like it would in a more expensive reel. The drag material is made of better material in the pricier reels.
It's also nice for frogging with 60lb braid to rip fish out of Lilly pads. Same with punching grass with jigs.
If you check Abu and Shimano saltwater bait casters they will have stronger drags for inshore battles.
how about the lews reels that have centrifugal and magnetic braking, does that significantly help with backlashing if you have a sloppy cast?
>>955510 All brands have some type of magnetic braking offered if you don't want a mechanical counter weight system.
It's not unique to lews. Even a cheap silvermax has it.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955510 You can crank the magnetic on the SX pretty high but you should learn to cast rather than drastically shorten your casting distance with the brakes set too high. The Revo S has centrifugal brakes but no magnetic. The Revo STX has magnetic and centrifugal. Having both of them doesn't really help prevents backlash, but it allows you to make more fine tuned adjustments.
Like I said, I'm so used to the magnetic brakes on both my Abus that I have yet to actually set them up on the Lew's. I just leave them turned off and use the magnetic knob since it is easier.
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how would you guys hit up this lake from the shore around this time of year?
http://www.dupageforest.com/uploadedFiles/Content/Recreation/Activities_and_Events/Fishing/Meacham_MapleLake.pdf it doesnt seem like a popular place to fish (probably for good reason). but its the last body of water i have yet to catch a bass at
>>955510 lews has been good to me in terms of backlash and have yet to get a major nest that i couldnt clear out. first baitcaster too. im awful at casting
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955513 The Mach 1 has magnetic and centrifugal. All of the Abus <$200 have one or the other. The Revo STX at $200 is the cheapest model to come with both. I think the Black Max has centrifugal and Silver Max has magnetic. And like I said, Revo S is centrifugal while the SX is magnetic. The magnetic brakes work prettt well on their own but I guess there are slight pros and cons to each and having both on one reel is a cool idea.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955510 Anon, you sound like you are going to buy the Lew's anyway. It's not a bad purchase, just the Abu for $10 more is such a good deal for a better reel.
Was that $109 for the combo or just the reel?
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955517 Black max is magnetic.
Does it bother anyone else when reels have shitty knobs? Like on abus until you start spending $200+ they all have the same plastic knobs and it really makes the reel feel cheap to me. Maybe I'm just autistic.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955520 You got spoiled by that Lew's. Those grips are comfy. I like some of the cork ones too. Would be nice if they splurged the extra 50¢ more to give you good knobs when you spend $100-$150 on a reel.
It really doesn't bug me that much tho.
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>955524 Kek nah it bothered me before I got the lews. I wouldn't totally discount a reel because of it, but it definitely makes it seem cheaper to me.
I like how Shimano does theirs. It's like a rubbery type grip instead of the foam.
>>955519 i'm not set on either one. i'll just go with my gut and consider the experienced replies.
thanks guys!
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955530 Just don't pay $109 for the Lew's reel alone. They have been on sale a bit lately so if you can find the rod and reel combo for around that price, go for it.
>>955535 dicks has the mach 1 for 104 and amazon has it for 86 shipped.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955543 That's just the reel for $104. Still not bad but Abu for $15 more... Amazon price seems straight.
how do you guys carry around your spinner baits and shit? dont have those things to store them in thinking of wrapping them in a towel or some shit
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>can't even go lure fishing now without catching nothing but Carp >people here are hauling in their Yabbie and Shrimp nets and finding dozens of tiny Carp in them instead Wtf I hate the MDB now.
And 4chan because image posting is currently borked.
>>955596 I always take my tacklebox with me but a friend has a neat little Plano spinnerbait box he uses. It's bulky and not backpack friendly but at least it keeps all the spinnerbaits from tangling up. If you want something cheap and backpack friendly just buy a small slim plastic storage box, cut out any compartments ig you need to make room and drill some holes in it so your lures can dry out.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
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>>955596 Just my regular tackle bag with Plano 3700 size boxes. They make ones with different compartments and dividers but I just took a Dremel to the box and made room for the spinnerbaits.
>>955596 Biggest problem are the large spinners and umbrellas.
>>954062 How well does a Berkley Braid Knot work?
Seems alot easier to tie than a Palomar.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955635 Palomars are so easy. If you look at the comparison of breaking strength, Palmoar always comes far ahead of the traditional knot and even beats all of these complicated meme knots.
>>955629 You could always get the deep Plano 3600 or 3700 boxes and then customize them so it fits the umbrellas without smashing em too much.
Pic related on the top left and top right you can see where I cut out the dividers for the spinners. It's just a regular 3700 tho, not a deep one.
>>955636 The spinners are about 10 inches across, fyi.
>>955635 Seems more complicated than palomar actually.
Only downside I find to palomar is with big lures and that loop going around it...
Still looking for a reliable shit-easy-to-tie knot for braid for when palomar is not really an option due to lure size.
>>955596 I was gonna make a semi-childish reply about tackle boxes but reading on about your 10" lures I will actually try and help rather than just recommend using a box.
Maybe a DIY solution is the way... off the top of my head my idea would be to get some sturdy-ish foam of sorts (yoga mat or some shit... dunno what you have easy access to. Be creative) and if need be cut out holes for your suckers similar to left part of the image.
Or just use softer foam and squash the fuckers in between. Then either find a suitable box somewhere or DIY the box as well...
>>955649 Use the polomar but only pull the main line instead of tag end + mainline
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955653 This. You can make it so the tag is still really short and you shouldn't have to cut off more than an inch or two of line if you really want to.
>>955641 Are they still flat? I mean you could always do a 3700 box and cut the dividers out of like half the box. Otherwise they have tons of different plastic boxes if you look around.
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
Bepis !n/ZnkB9jUw
>>955699 >not chartreuse pepper It's been fuckin pouring all afternoon, got 4 stops left and looking at the radar I might get like an hour break where the rain slows down in a little bit. This shit is annoying.
waiting for new bred to make post
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955700 It's a high pressure lake so it makes sense to use natural colors
>>955710 Did u catch a big fish
>>955719 nah , i want to make a post looking for recoendations on a new rod
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955720 Now we just gotta wait on that lazy truck driving Mexican to make a new one
>>955710 >>955691 Where the fuck is the new thread slacker? I've got something to say...
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
>>955724 Yeah Jesus Christ Pepsi we hit the bump limit like a whole minute ago
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the cigarettes finally got to pepsi rip
Zuriss !!S/L/65CPWjy
>>955653 >>955659 Yeah but that does not solve having to move that big loop around the lure/tackle/whathaveyou which is the 'problem' I was referring to.
>>955729 could use improved clinch
easy to tie and it holds
TXLizardFag !6HJ0QLzJJE
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>>955729 I just don't think anything is gonna be easier.
>>955730 Not the best to use with braid. I lost a nice fish because I was using that and the knot slipped. Works pretty good with mono tho.
Kevin Van Dam !ZNBx60Gj/k
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Hi guys I'm incredibly new to fishing and honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I've tried fishing at this local creek where I've been told there's carp. However, after sitting there for hours and having my bait constantly being eaten, I gave up. Any advice to someone who has only started fishing literally 2 days ago?