>>963083Funny thing about aliens and dildos
I'm 58 years old. During the early 90s through about 97 or 98 I was in communication with a man who supposedly worked with a few non-government agencies/groups who tracked and interviewed people who reported encounters with things they couldn't explain (not MUFON, before you ask)
Anyways if he is to be believed, what he reported was as follows
Basically every report of anal probing during abduction (which is actually fairly uncommon despite all the jokes made about it over the last few decades) stems from a few things:
>the sheer shock of witnessing something you cant possibly comprehend (ie being abducted by extraterrestrials)>the overwhelmingly complicated network of thoughts, both conscious and subconscious that make up our minds>the fact that our species, advanced though we are, are still driven by and rooted in the desire to procreate>except that because of our intelligence we're able to separate sexual satisfaction from reproduction into pleasure>the drugs administered by the aaayyys, both to calm us, confuse us, and not remember them>their interpretation after observing us, is to try and give us a parting experience that will soothe the traumatic experience>so we're given what, in it's most basic sense, is what we'd call a dildo>so we're naked on a table in a spaceship under drugs we can't comprehend, or in a field, and in shock and euphoria>jamming our own asses in what they conceive to be an attempt to satisfy our senses and pacify us>they might be eons ahead of us in technology but don't have a perfect understanding of our brains, at least they tried>turns out ayyy's accidentally trigger our hedonism, without even knowing (or possibly having transcended) what gay isThere it is folks