>>96076>Urban Exploration is to the real world what hackers are to the internet and computers.I disagree with that comparison.
Hacking takes skill and knowledge, a great knowledge of computers and network systems. Not just anybody can be a hacker, and if you think they can, then you don't know what a hacker truly does.
Anybody can walk around in an abandoned building. It's called trespassing. It's against the law, and depending on the age of the building, it could very well be dangerous.
I've got an old cabin out in the woods that to an "urban explorer" dipshit like you, might look like an abandoned building. If I ever caught somebody in there when I showed up, armed with my .45 as I always am, I'd be digging a hole or two shortly thereafter to dispose of the remains.
Luckily it's in the middle of nowhere, so no one would hear the shots.