>>971131Make sure you poop in rivers. It cleans your butt and is more healthy for the environment.
Break in your boots before going on a hike with all your gear.
If you see any wild life that looks like a threat, make sure you body slam it.
Bring multiple fire starters, cause one is none, two is one and three is better (Bic, fire steel, make the third what ever you want.)
Never bring an axe, you can baton every thing with a big ass knife.
Always tell some one where you're going, when you should be back
Use the edge of your blade on your fire striker, this produces even more sparks.
If any dangerous animals live in the area, than cook your food away from camp, store that shit in the trees.
If you see a bear, assault it with harsh words and run.
Bring good amount of rope and learn knots.