>>981892Lol. You're not gonna get laid no matter how many foot care tips you post.
When did you thru? I was 2011.
I disagree about many of your points. My philosophy was to embrace the fact that we're animals and try to make better use of this gift of evolution that we hardly touch these days.
As far as foot care went, I brushed the grit off my feet when I took my shoes off. I would also lay my socks out in a way that they would dry- aka not balled up. That was it.
I made a tribe while I was out. I met a good guy two days out and we met two chicks, and the four of us met two other guys, and the six of us met a trio of dudes carrying ukuleles. Sometimes we'd separate. People would drop off and go home or whatever but they'd find us again. They're all still good friends to this day.
One point where we agree is protein. Jerky and tuna were what I looked forward to. It's a chemical thing. Amino acids are more complex, and take more steps to break down in the metabolic cycle, carbs (especially simple ones) go straight to the furnace.
I never cooked. I started with an alcohol stove and tossed it the second day. We made fires every night while we were out and so some mornings I'd rekindle it and make instant coffee. Most mornings I had it "Mountain stream cold"
I only treated the water like 20% of the time at the beginning, and just flat out stopped towards the end. Never got the shits. I honestly think my GI tract is in better shape now because of it. I ate very undercooked chicken with a bunch of people. Everyone got sick except for me.
For what it's worth, whenever I'd find a pine tree weeping sap, I'd rub it on myself. Don't know why, but it seems to help waterproof you. Toughens you up a little. If anything, it smells really fucking good.
Speaking of smells, did you ever smell the civilized people? Somewhere in NY I started smelling people before I saw them. Detergents and deodorants are very strange things when you've been out in nature for a while.