>>979627Billings resident, moved here two years ago, here are my impressions:
Fact Number 1: Billings blows like a prolapsed anus, residents are empirically the drunk, stupidest, most pathetic excuse for people I've ever met.
2. Montana is fucking huge, practically impossible to see everything in a short visit.
3. Probably going to see some faggot deer, on the road, whilst traveling at a reasonable 80 mph.
4. Bozeman and surrounding area is fucking dope, plenty of shit to gawk at.
5. Odds of running into bears/cougars are incredibly slim, moose ain't nothing to fuck with.
6. Do not go or visit a squaw reservation, fuck what the media has told you, it's a lawless, forsaken place.
Personally if I was in your position I would go to West Yellowstone, Bozeman, Glacier Park, Three Forks, or Ennis.
If you're looking to make an easy $50 locate yourself what is called a Hoodarite Colony. These tax evading, Amish posing, inbred motherfuckers will pay you to fuck their wives, because of aforementioned inbreeding.