>>995586Buy a wooden recorder,it sounds far better than the plastic in terms of tone and quality of built and sound.The plastic one has a cheap, elementary school kind of sound,it sounds sharp and annoying compared to the mellow tone of the wooden one.All wind instruments are designed to withstand the most humid of conditions,they are made from high quality woods that are chemically treated and varnished in depth.The plastic one is considered a children's toy whereas the wood is a higher quality instrument overall and it will be easier to learn on.
.Think about it,nothing in the environment is more humid and warm that the air you breathe into the recorder,if you have any memories of elementary school(at least at mine the kids had to bring them to school) there were some recorders that were plastic and transparent,when you played them you could see the moisture through the instrument,it looked liked an empty plastic water bottle.You will not have any problems carrying a wooden wind instrument with you out.Its not the same with string ones
though.My mentality is to own an instrument I will get attached to and will have good memories of it,and I personally think the plastic recorder cannot play that role,you will get bored of it eventually and you will want to buy a wooden one.You will throw away 90 dollars.But,take my word for it,the wooden recorder will be as durable as the plastic.Besides they come in little cases and you can clean them and care for them since the mouthpiece comes off and the rest is just a hollow tube,will a little piece of cloth,you can wipe the moisture out of
it.My overall advice is,dont be cheap buying your first instrument,it will be very frustrating for you to start to learn.