[46 / 7 / ?]
Hey /out/, I want to tell you a story.
>be me
>exploring forest
>find river
>follow river for a ways
>walking upstream
>gets to spot where it goes through a gorge so there's cliffs on both sides
>continue walking above cliff
>still forested
>hear faint noises
>sound slightly demonic
>wonder if I am in a real life creepypasta
>too curious to nope the fuck out
>get closer
>sounds more like whimpering or crying now
>probably only sounded demonic cause I was a scared faggot
>keep moving closer
>as I get closer, I determine that it is definitely crying
>very remote, surprised that another human is this deep into the forest
>miles from nearest roads, even further from any human settlement, and no hiking trails around
>almost to source of noise
>can see human figure in distance
>figure is standing right above cliff overlooking river
>be me
>exploring forest
>find river
>follow river for a ways
>walking upstream
>gets to spot where it goes through a gorge so there's cliffs on both sides
>continue walking above cliff
>still forested
>hear faint noises
>sound slightly demonic
>wonder if I am in a real life creepypasta
>too curious to nope the fuck out
>get closer
>sounds more like whimpering or crying now
>probably only sounded demonic cause I was a scared faggot
>keep moving closer
>as I get closer, I determine that it is definitely crying
>very remote, surprised that another human is this deep into the forest
>miles from nearest roads, even further from any human settlement, and no hiking trails around
>almost to source of noise
>can see human figure in distance
>figure is standing right above cliff overlooking river