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No.993992 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>meet girl on the internet
>decide to go hiking innamountains together
>having fun, awesome scenery, getting along really well
>when we're a ways up into the mountains, we see some rock climbers in a several hundred foot tall cliff
>watch them for like a minute
>right as we're watching one of them fucking falls
>his harness or rope or something broke, he literally fell a few hundred feet, had to have died
>girl I'm with gasps
>I can't help but laugh
>I just start laughing pretty hard
>girl is shocked
>asks me what is wrong with me
>I don't really answer cause I'm laughing too hard to talk clearly
>she keeps bothering me about it the rest of the hike
>keeps telling me it's not funny, someone died, I shouldn't be laughing
>I tell her to lighten up, laughing isn't going to kill anyone
>she doesn't take it, still upset with me
>keeps bothering me about it til we finish our hike
>she leaves without saying anything, not even bye
>this was a day ago, haven't heard from her since
>pretty sure she'll never talk to me again
Why are girls like this /out/? Why can't they learn to lighten up and laugh?