>plan trip for mid-May with four friends
>one of the original four invites another guy
>that guy already planned to go camping with his crazy on/off girlfriend and another guy
>all three have now been invited on our trip
>same guy from the original group invited this hipster dude I don't know and his girlfriend
>I don't know if any of these people are actually going yet
>this guy pulls this all the time and I can tell he just thinks "the more the merrier"
>he is now proposing multiple camps with some complex series of hikes to and from each camp to meetup or some shit, I don't even fucking know
Sometimes I just want to hike into the woods with close bros, hang out for two days and wander around, and then hike back. It wouldn't be a huge deal but he didn't even ask the rest of us if we're cool with him inviting all these people.