>>100948>wrote the BOOK on the JMTWhich one, Anon?
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=john%20muir%20trail>she hiked it hundreds of times>hundreds of times>hundreds>hundreds > 100>at least 200 timesDo you mean she thru-hiked the whole trail at least 200 times, Anon?
Let's assume that by "hundreds" you mean the absolute minimum number of times she could have hiked it in order to use the word "hundreds", in this case: 200 times.
Let's also assume a fast, but not record, pace of 10 days each of these 200 times
200 times x 10 days (which would be flying, although I guess you could do it in a week) = 2000 days = 5.479 years.
Assuming the average accessible season on the JMT is 4 months (120 days), she could theoretically hike it, say, 12 times a year, effectively stopping only for a handful of rest days.
200 / 12 = 16.67 seasons of doing nothing but hiking the John Muir Trail.
Now let's be generous and grant her an average of 7 days on the trail per trip.
200 times x 7 days = 1400 days = 3.84 years on trail.
1400 days on trail / 120 days per season = 11.67 seasons.
I'll be really generous, and suggest that she did absolutely nothing but hike the John Muir Trail for 5 months straight every year, averaging the entire trip in 7 days (approx 3
1400 days on trail / 180 days per season = 7.78 seasons.
That would involve hiking every day nonstop at approximately 32 miles/day for almost eight five-month seasons.
Not saying it's not doable, nor saying she couldn't have spread this out over, say, 20 years, but I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit anyway, Anon, until you can furnish proof.