You know how when you look at a proud boomer's scorched earth nuclear HDR/clarity slider sunset and think "how the fuck can they think this looks good?" and you don't even see a photo, just slider values? The kind of photos that only appeal to clueless Facebook NPCs who are convinced it's real and they just have yet to experience such a sunset or landscape?
>>4327787 amount of noise reduction is the same to actual photographers. You're the new boomers. You're so deep into your obsession with removing every perceived "flaw" that you don't notice the plastic/wax blob you're producing in the end. If you ever progress as photographers you will look back at these times and cringe.
This is helpful, harsh criticism. You people are taking decent photos and ruining them. These look like shit not because you took shitty photos, but because you beat them to death with shitty editing.