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>go to look up micro43rds stuff
>all the stills reviewers are either 70 year old boomers or some flavor of brown.
>all the portrait samples are of ugly people
>only time someone like peta pixels talks about micro43 is for video
why is it just boomers and browns? the 20mm pancake and 75mm are pretty convenient on the smaller bodies.
>muh dof
the compression on the 75mm alone can give you good enough separation from the background for portraits. its a 150mm f/3.5. tons of people do portraits with 70-200mm f/4 lenses or 70-200mm f/2.8 lenses stopped down a stop
the 20mm isn't even bad either considering all the people who jerk off to their contax t2
20mm f/1.7 is 40mm f/3.5. A contax t2 is a 38mm f/2.8 you literally cannot set to f/2.8 and I'm sure the way that thing is programmed its shooting at f/8 or f/11 when in auto mode and only dropping the aperture when the shutter drops below 1/125th or something
>all the stills reviewers are either 70 year old boomers or some flavor of brown.
>all the portrait samples are of ugly people
>only time someone like peta pixels talks about micro43 is for video
why is it just boomers and browns? the 20mm pancake and 75mm are pretty convenient on the smaller bodies.
>muh dof
the compression on the 75mm alone can give you good enough separation from the background for portraits. its a 150mm f/3.5. tons of people do portraits with 70-200mm f/4 lenses or 70-200mm f/2.8 lenses stopped down a stop
the 20mm isn't even bad either considering all the people who jerk off to their contax t2
20mm f/1.7 is 40mm f/3.5. A contax t2 is a 38mm f/2.8 you literally cannot set to f/2.8 and I'm sure the way that thing is programmed its shooting at f/8 or f/11 when in auto mode and only dropping the aperture when the shutter drops below 1/125th or something