>>3083716>>3083724I did offer to do a shoot and provide prints. However, I showed her what the "professional" did wrong by opening one of the digital copies of her photos in Photoshop and reducing the brightness by a fuckload, so you could see actual normal skin texture/colour and things like that. Of course, the faces of her and her friends now no longer looked like impeccable white surfaces, so naturally the conclusion was that the photographer did right by increasing the brightness to that of a Saharan midday sun. So I decided not to mention my offer again and she never mentioned it again either.
Truth be told, one of her friends has these weird sunken eyes surrounded by a dark area like she hasn't slept for a week so it would be hard to photograph her to look nice. But that can't be the reason the "professional" did what he did because all of the photos he takes are the same meme (white background, person/group in casual pose, high brightness, low contrast). If I could get used to the taste of my own vomit in my mouth, I should do this too because apparently you can make money with producing that garbage.
>>3083711>>3083757It's saddening how easy you can make photos which are liked by normies, compared to how hard it is to make actual good photos which normies won't understand anyways. I even did that thing once as a joke, where I just took one of my photos and applied every shitty meme known to man (le washed out pastel colours, thick white border, VSCO grain etc.) and had friends say "yeah that's what I'm talking about, so you actually can make good photos! Why don't you just do that more often?"
>endmysuffering.exePic related is the only portrait I ever took of my gf which she didn't dislike, so I enlarged and framed it