>>4160373Got to try it last night... Didn't go amazingly. Definitely better, but I hit a different issue; Exposure.
I had the camera in 'bulb' mode, held a black thing in front, opened the shutter, waited about 5 seconds for jiggling to stop, then quickly removed the black thing & closed the shutter. Most of my shots were super bright & washed out, pic related is probably the best one I got. This was at ISO100 too, the lowest my poorfagnoobmatic can go.
I'm using a very, very silly meme-tastic lens from the 90s (MTO-11CA, KGB spycam-o-vision) which has a fixed aperture of ~10ish (some claim closer to 16 bcuz mirror) so I'm having to do everything in full manual. And I've got a 2x teleconverter on it because fuck it. And I'm a total novice. Using the card trick is taking away the last bit of automation available to me, namely controlling the shutter time, and I think I'm trying to punch above my weight here.
I suspect trying it on the telescope's robot mount will work better, so that's next on my checklist. If only to stop me having to chase the bastard thing across the sky. Why can't it just sit still...
I'd still like to know if the Magic Lantern firmware can enable mirror lockup or not if anyone has any experience with it.
Apologies for posting full size image, couldn't be arsed fiddling with it since it's getting deleted anyway.