>>3399881You still don't understand. What you're claiming is that almost ALL of the followers gained are through other people following and unfollowing like you. So if that's the case, wouldn't that mean that your growth would also disappear because those people would unfollow you? That's what you're not understanding about bots, you're not buying bots, YOU are the bot. This isn't buying fake followers, it's engaging with real people.
Also, how would it work that because you use a bot, all of the sudden, now only other bots are seeing your work? The same people that see alex's stuff, see my stuff.
>In the end what matters is engagement, and Chosis has almost none compared to Alex BurkeWell good thing I'm not chosis. Chosis's photos suck ass. I have good engagement on my photos. My images average over 1200 likes each, some even getting as high as 5k likes. Other than automating my account, i've never purchased followers or likes.