>>4363716>nooo i'm totally not the retard who thinks mush out resolves clean linesIn what world does the top "out resolve" the bottom? Do you even know what "resolution" means?
Here's an interesting link:
http://static.timparkin.co.uk/static/tmp/cameratest-2/large.htmlNote that this is FUCKING 8X10. The IQ 180 wins in some places, 8x10 in others. But even where the 8x10 wins, it utterly kills the claim that "Provia 6x7 = 80mp". Just utterly demolishes it. It edges out the IQ 180, it doesn't blow it away. The largest gap comes with fine, high contrast text. But still, if that's the best Provia can do in 8x10, then in 6x7 it will never touch an IQ 180. Or any 45-61mp FF.
How could this be? How could a fucking IQ 180 come this close to 8x10 and even win a couple???
- Film's resolution is highly dependent on target contrast and the real world is not a line chart.
- There are a lot more variables with film, things that can go wrong and pull it down.
- Large format lens quality is one of those variables, those lenses can be all over the place.
- Amazing how good things look when you use a decent scaling algorithm instead of cheating by purposely pixelating the digital file.
That's the real world where digital almost always delivers 100% and film only *sometimes* offers its best. I remember that time quite well. Our resident nophoto has never experienced that because...well...nophoto.
inb4 excuses