>>4205552I didn't have time to set everything up tonight, but here's a rough approximation of how a print will look like (with the 6x6 edge to edge mask). Ignore the black blob in the middle, that's light from my phone camera. The film will be additionally held down and flattened by a multigrade filter sheet, so it should be in close contact with paper.
Overall I'm really fucking stoked for this and happy how it's turning out so far. (God knows I will crave to have an actual enlarger once the contact first prints dry out, if only for 35mm...)
>>4205674I know this is all marketing speak, but I have a huge boner for the claims of heavy silver content and replicating the look of Italian cinematography classics. Definitely running a roll of it next time I have a chance, either 120 or 135.
>I need to send what I have in the fridge out for dev. $170 for scans and prints of 9 cans of film spread across slide, c41 and b&wJust did that last week, 8 rolls, 2 medium format, 2 E6 and 6 C41, including one with push processing. And I ordered scans of the medium format ones since they're already at the lab (my first color MF rolls), to compare with the results I get from my V600 (which is shit, just want to know how much shit relatively). All in all around $130.
That 120 roll of Ektachrome is turning out to be almost $5 per frame lmao ($20 film, $15 processing, $23 scans, not including shipping to and from the lab). I had to try, but I don't think I'll be doing it again soon.