>>3858964Big mistake western bokeh idiots are making is equating bokeh with depth of field strength. When Japanese are talking about bokeh, it's about quality of out of focus areas, not the strength of it.
Check this comparison, both lenses are at f2, yet you see visible difference in the area where highlights fall into the mid tones. Specular highlights on one lens fall naturally into the environment, on the other they give more pronounced balls. Now, which is better? Taste, in this case, says the top sample, but it's still subjective, and in another situation, it may be the bottom lens that would give up more pleasing results. Japs of old were shooting at f8 and on hyperfocal distance, depending on rule of sun, they did not even bother with lenses at widest aperture.
First, the quality wasn't there.
Second, since you could not get anything in focus.
When they compared bokeh of the lenses, they compared them from f4 onwards.