>>4041378I mean it's something that's always being debated by nerds and artsy fags. My take has always been whatever makes the image better is worth doing. Same philosophy applies to life.
It's better to be useful than authentic. If your authentic self is inherently useful, great! It'll be a bit easier for you. If your authentic self is closer to that of what evolutionary psychology describes as a lazy, rapey, hairless murder ape, then you might get better feedback from society by abandoning those urges to become useful.
I like to aim for what ought as opposed to what is. There's value in both. If evoking a specific set of emotional responses is what you're aiming for, do whatever it takes to get the best result possible. If you're photographing a crime scene or taking photos of fine art for archival purposes, preserving the image to be as 'real' as possible should be your goal.