>>4314146>op complaining about the Z 50mm is insane btw, it's an incredible lenseAA filter and 24MP bayer seems to be my problem, I think the lens might be fine and the reviews and most raws I saw early on and pixel peeped before buying it were actually tested and the raws posted were from a Z7.
Will probably get z7ii and start digitizing shit, but save the large subjects (shit I can't use macro optics for and just need framing it at max res for camera to work) for the future in case z7 gets pixel shift or they release something with it, no aa filter, 45MP at least and cross type af and mech shutter or global before I consider quadrupling or tripling my budget for a defective gimped flagship.
Even if they just add 4-shot individual pixel shifting that you merge at the PC to get RGB per pixel at 45MP that'd probably satisfy me with a z7ii but if they don't add that by next year I can buy something else that has it if need be or rent a z8 or full fuji 100mp/400mp pixel shit kit to do my biggest shit that demands more.
The goal is to do everything right and AA'd bayer 24mp seems like a huge unnecessary obstacle in achieving that since it's trash at 1:1 pixel peep scale.
neutral non-sharpened render from raw