>>3093866>The word equivalent implies identical formatNo it doesn't, stop making up arbitrary definitions of words just to argue your point. Semantically speaking, the word "equivalent" actually implies an a priori DIFFERENCE or separation between the two things that are being compared in the first place (after all, if there was not a preexisting fundamental distinction between these things, what purpose would comparing them serve?) The word "equivalent" emphasizes a particular aspect or attribute of the things being compared as the basis for a provisional judgment of relative likeness and/or similarity. In other words, the word "equivalent" isolates one or more properties as a limited dimension wherein two or more things that are otherwise different can be said to possess a significant degree of sameness, resemblance, likeness, etc. In short, the word equivalent implies the existence of a quantifiable constant within qualitatively different things. Thus, it applies uniquely to things like FOV, rather than "format," which is far too vague a word to mean anything on its own anyway.