>>3246391a guy in a shop
>>3246390well spotted but poorly executed
>>3246384more space, less bad editing
>>3246383random angle
>>3246380nice mood but also random angle, little composition
>>3246373tilted and heavy color fringing. I want to know where the path goes as I see there is another hill - your picture leads the eye into frustration. sounds dramatic but you get what I mean?
>>3246355off composition, everything is cut off
>>3246353better but still needs to be composed more carfully
>>3246338nicely caught structure of the tree but the church tower is placed so weirdly in the picture, it disturbs more than it adds to it. I guess I get the idea, with the dark branches growing out of it, filling up the frame - it doesn't work out.
>>3246324a nice flower in a weird composition
>>3246305you caught the crow well but the rest of the image is just so random and distracting
>>3246295cool subject, I agree with the other guy about the retro-sci-fi-feeling - however that's what I don't really like about it. the light is very bad and the scenery is a mess of grey.
>>3246293I really dislike photos of art. the dof is weird but it does give the impression of being sucked down a gigantic tube so even though I don't like the shot, I guess it works overall.
>>3246288absolutely beautiful structures. one thing irritates me very much though an that is the cut off yellow stone in the lower left corner.
>>3246287give it more space to the left and shoot from a lower angle
at least you framed it very carfully
>>3246277way stronger than the one of the whole scenery but still looks more like a press photo. I can't really put my finger on how to improve it though
>>3246272>>3246273>>3246274>>3246276ok I guess. I don't know about portraits so I can't give much criticism here.