>>3650059>>>3649878>>pixel pitch affects sharpness>True, larger pixels, typically found on larger sensors, are much less demanding on lenses, and therefore give sharper results with the lens getting closer to matching the resolution of the sensor. You are a fucking moron. Pic related.
>Most retardedly you even mention film, tell me pal, what is sharper and with greater resolution, 110 or large format?According to you it would be 110 since the film grain is larger relative to the image details...like larger pixels...and therefore less demanding of the poor low resolving lens. But then again you're an idiot, so I'm going with LF.
>>but mtf10>Ah,thats what I wanted, 10% of the original contrast. Are you retarded? Do you have reading problems? Top end lenses have MTF50 resolutions about 60 lpmm higher than the 90D/M62, two of the highest pixel pitch ILC sensors on the market. As you move down to lower pixel pitches, more and more lenses can out resolve the sensors not just at MTF10, but at MTF50. Your claim that sensors out resolve lenses is demonstrably false.
>>says lenses matter, gets told he's a fucking idiot for comparing lenses in a discussion about sensor size, Since you can't form any image without a lens, they're relevant.
>Do you exclusively drink your own piss and cum? Your brain seems dehydrated af.Are you Olympanon?
>sees that even a nifty fifty can out resolve a 12mp FF sensor at MTF50>starts screeching incoherently about MTF10It must suck to be proven wrong so effortlessly.
>reads posts about lenses that are scientifically measured to out resolve current sensors>"because lenses don't out resolve sensors"Are you really this stubborn or really this stupid?