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how far into sharp DSO photos can i reasonably get with this setup? i'm about to buy a house soon so i'm looking at one last big purchase before i turn into hank hill. so far i have everything except and EQ mount and astronomik UHC light pollution filter. astrobin suggests that it's less of a "spend $10k" issue and more of a skill issue
- canon EOD 2000D that i astro modified with an astronomik clear glass filter
- 75-300mm f/4-5.6 kit lens with 58mm aperture
- slik pro 700DX tripod
- Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi Mount Head
- also considering Celestron Advanced VX Equatorial Mount
- astronomik UHC clip-filter (picrel is the transmission curve)
i'm also open to buying a used Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L USM lens but that'd probably limit me to the star adventurer GTi. both mounts are goto and data processing isn't a problem, i have a beefy virtual machine set up for this specific purpose. i'm already skilled at microscope photography, just trying to avoid a situation where i limit myself to only andromeda or something