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aхaххaхaх im russian photographer who making nu school of photography and people around me hate me for it. like why people like it why people share it ahhahahahahahhahaaxxaxaxax
i feel myself like zukerberg when he was making facebook this twin bulls wanted him to make garbage what they wanted but no nigga its my time and of people like me. stand my nation of yung generation long live nuschool long live any movement like lomography of fujiframez
go go nigga thats your race
fresh and yung thats how we do it
a new age has become. an age of freedom. when no smart books or smart fAmOuS pEoPLe can force their ideas by power they have no nigga its my time
an age of content. no composition no rules NOTHING. just it looks good or neither
that babblers which sputter their hate to nuschool cant do nothing. they lost their PoWeR and hate everybody who out of control
way to go choo choo nigga way to go dag