>>3704073>>3704073Alex Burke is a well known /p/hotographer who at least used to post here fairly regularly. He shoots 4x5 film and while the film does "show" in some images, in general I never looked at his shots and thought to myself that digital could never look as nice, because I know that part of his technique is in reading the light and waiting for the right time of day, not just shooting at any time of day and hoping the film did all the work for him. His images definitely had some things like sharpness or depth of field that would be harder to pull off on a 135 sensor, but overall the quality of his work lies with when he presses the shutter and what's in front of the lens, not with the film. And whenever he posted a thread, it would annoy me a little bit that people would bring up the film format so much, because it seemed like they were dismissing all of the skill and talent he put into making the images, as if any noob with a view camera could shoot something just like it because IT'S FILM BRO, IT ALWAYS LOOKS GOOD NO MATTER WHAT. Ultimately, what I disagree on is that film always looks good; it can look great, but it has to be in the right hands.