>>4119929>No Mirrorless camera (to my knowledge) allows for a separate magnification of the central portion of the screen alongside the unmagnified composition. Something like pic related, will never ever happen though.None that I know that enlarge the center over the full screen. Can think of plenty that have dual display modes where you see the full frame, and then a 2nd screen with magnified focus point. Picrel, and you can set the full frame / magnified focus to the smaller or larger section. The X-Pro2/3 & some X100's will also show you a highly magnified focus point while using the OVF too. Downside to these are being off-center which is slower in usage, but the upside is you aren't stuck with focus & recompose 100% of the time, since you can move the focus point around. So they become compose, then focus, but it's a lot more precise than a traditional split screen or micro prism.