>>3407210>been reading it's better to rate it at 1600 or lower and develop normally. Anyone got input on how to shoot with it?What I do, with most negative films desu, is shoot and dev at the rated speed by default, and overexpose a stop or so when the light allows and the shutter speed doesn't drop too low.
So, shoot at 3200, and at every opportunity you get (say you have 1/250 at wide open for a scene), give it an extra stop of overexposure (1/125 at wide open). It always works and gives a nice bump to the shadows and midtones. Also during dev, you can dev for a bit longer, say somewhere between the time for 3200 and 6400.
Choice of developer is also important when pushing T-grain films. Don't go an do something stupid like Rodinal, or Perceptol or anything.
Most general use developers are fine (ID-11, D-76), and with speed enhancing ones you'll get slightly better results (X-tol, Microphen, DDX).
Use them stock if you want the best speed and finest grain.
Pic related is a recent Delta 3200 roll, shot at 3200, deved at 3200 (for half a minute longer), Xtol stock.