>>3796564>Why do you guys shoot film and what are your thoughts on my connundrum?If you'll excuse the self-indulgent navel gazing, i shoot film for a more conceptual reason: when you take a photo on film, it leaves an actual impression of a moment in time and space on a physical matrix -- like a footprint in snow, or a bird striking a window. A digital photo isn't impressed in the same way, it's more of a reconstitution of a moment by way of a computer. In that way, a digital photograph is another step divorced from reality.
If what you're after is contained wholly within the image and the process is more or less secondary, then digital makes sense. If the actual act of being in the moment is important to your practice, then I would argue film is the better choice. It ultimately depends on your own views on what it is that's happening when you place yourself behind the lens.
Oh and the look, I like the look