>>3309656Your claim is that a crime was committed, correct? Assuming that's true, does a reasonable person...
a) Report the crime to the police, let them handle it, and let users on /p/ do what they do best -- post photos and talk about technique and wank over expensive gear -- with one less overly dramatic tripfag to bother them on this board.
b) Play amateur detective, trying to solve it yourself, sending messages to Chosis' employer and baiting him to send you threats -- except....unlike in the movies, you are utterly incompetent, so you have to "crowdsource" all the expertise from the internet, featuring: a random undergrad philosophy major as "Lawfag" and eight to ten random /p/ users as "Chosis with his trip off pretending to represent a majority public opinion that is annoyed with your bullshit (when the reality is that most users here are ACTUALLY on your side and WANT to see this drama on the front page for weeks at a time)."
Which course of action here is more "special," sweetie?