>>3067864I like the subject, but your composition is weird and the crop cutting off the top of the statue's head looks bad.
>>3067923Definitely get in to photography if you want. As a hobby it's pretty fun and if you get good enough you can potentially make money doing it. I'd start by learning technical skills and practicing taking pictures every day.
>>3068021I like this, but the focal length is just a little too short. If the foreground was more in focus I'dn appreciate it a lot more.
>>3068027I really really like this but just like above the focal length is a little too short.
>>3068097Sad-indie-girl-music album cover/10. The lights are a little blown out but I enjoy something about this photo that I can't really describe.
>>3068161Too much of the frame is dark here, and your subject isn't interesting enough to warrant being pretty much the only thing for the viewer to look at.
>>3068262Minimalist, well composed, super tight.
>>3068263Subject is kind of boring. Composition leaves something to be desire with half of the picture being taken up by road. I'm not really sure what my eye is supposed to be drawn to, but the most interesting thing in that frame is the television on the floor and the building surrounding it.
>>3068264No idea what I'm supposed to be looking at, so much useless space at the top of the frame. Your colors are nice, but composition and subject are confusing. Maybe a tighter crop would help.
>>3068266Great framing here. The subject could be a little more interesting but it's not bad as it is. I really also enjoy the use of line in this photo. Everything is very geometric which I enjoy.
>>3068267Not really interesting. Composition isn't terrible I guess but I'm not really wow-ed by it either.
>>3068277interesting subject and composition but your whites are super blown out all over the frame. Lowering the contrast might help? Play with it a little.