What are the upcoming generation of cameras for mirrorless? I know the current one is pretty much shit still. When they finally get all the kinks worked out and features added that are needed I'd like to switch from DSLR to mirrorless (and global-sensor shutterless if they get off their asses about it and stop milking the industry.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZldXR313k4MI already have a Nikon and a boat load of lenses, but with FFDs being so short across the board fro mirrorless it pretty much doesn't matter what non-mirrorless mount lenses I have since they can all be adapted to any mirrorless system. Only this "announcement" just means another buggy camera or two out of the gate where we all wait for firmware updates, bug fixes, patches, and the inevitable Mirror Boogaloo Two to fix the really bad problems. Unless these shit have a global sensor and are shutterless right now It'll be ten fucking years before we get any at this rate.