>>3125815>ignores fact shitty and good imagery are both scanned on flatbed scanners.>expects that all the work done in camera magically makes any scanner and scan software and digital workflow comparable to any other.Hey there dumbfuck, I used the term "ala Alex Burke" not due to my expectations of my images being similar to his in exposure, contrast or even the fuckin subject matter, but due to the fact that Alex literally made a blog post I've referenced here before about how to get the flattest scan possible. I hadn't used the software before and I was asking how to get results *comparable* to the flatness of a file using his method in a different software.
http://www.alexburkephoto.com/blog/2013/06/02/scanning-and-editing-color-negative-film>>3125787I'm getting good stuff now, Contrast -25, Midtone slider between +10-25 depending on image. Thanks!