Nothing really cohesive in mine, started it up in February. A mix of old re-edited photos from old hard drives and new stuff.>>3915534Some interesting photos, well executed, but that selective saturation portrait...why?
>>3914262If you're interested in photograhy then go for it! But the choice should depend on if you like taking photos, not what others think. As the other Anon said, lay off the overly heavy vignetting, I probably have a couple myself but I've learnt from it.
>>3914215Nice aesthetic, followed.
>>3914187Nice to see something different.
>>3905839Lighting looks flat or too harsh in a lot of these, in all honesty I'd say get better before you try and start up a patreon, and sometimes only 1 photo instead of 3 similar images is enough imo, titles are a bit cringey.
>>3903905Learn through trial and error, I'd say. I ended up on /p/ around 2012 and got my anus torn out on occasion, been on and off since but brutal criticism helps growth. Otherwise, find an artist you enjoy and try to figure out how they take their photos (subjects, style, lighting etc.) Also, I suggest you separate your personal photos from any artistic type ones perhaps.
Don't think I can add anything useful to other posts here.