>>3264858>>3264868>>3264885>>3264966Boi, your colour correction is wack.
But also, you're not getting the neg straight on with the camera.
If the dust on the neg is pin sharp on one side, but the frame borders and numbers are blurry on the other, it means that your plane of focus isn't coinciding with the surface of the neg.
A D750 and a Tamron macro should be able to roast any shatbeds or their variants when set up correctly.
Use a sensible aperture. f/11 is fine. f/5.6 is not enough, f/29 is way too much. The amount of sensor dust visible in the second shot is truly sickening.
Mask off the edges of the neg, and your sprocket holes in 35mm too. They let your backlight enter the sides of the neg and reduce contrast and make your scans uneven.
And finally, to actually answer your question, your 645 negs are obviously soft as shit. Did you take them with a fucking potato? They are soft and low contrast because the lense used is garbage. In the wide open shot, nothing appears in focus just because that's how shitty olf folder lenses look wide open.
In the second shot, you're probably stopped down to f/32 or something, and it has sharpened up acceptably, but the contrast is still low. This is perfectly normal.