>>3546390>ouch thoIt sounds like you haven't posted your photos here before so let me help out a bit.
These guys
>>3546358 >>3545882 are right. These guys
>>3546403 >>3546294 are also right, whether you like it or not. Pic related is the sticky of the place that you posted in.
Good on you for starting a thread with original content. I refuse to believe that you got only 4 good (in your eyes) shots out of the entire event which means that there's a lot more that you yourself found mediocre. Gear limitations aside (noise etc) composition is bad, you need to work on it. Your cropping doesn't help either, and it is not 5:4 in any of these images btw. No room to breathe for any of the subjects. Your highlights are blown out. Shoot more, ease off the over-editing, crop more sparingly and not just for the sake of cropping.