>>3892879>How many moonscapes have been ruined by the lack of metering knowledge of the average user that results in a blown moon?In the past 10 years?
Not many, man, technology has come a long way and most people have live previews of what they're doing that render the arcane boys-club lets-debate-about-it-and-take-no-photos-in-the-process mentality all the more cringe and gaye.
>I could have the greatest artistic visionYou don't.
>and if I can't capture itYou can't capture shit arguing in this thread for an entire week.
>it would be nearly uselessSo are all the points you're both making at (not to) each other, because neither of you cares about what the others saying or about the context in which they're right, you care about the context in which you're right and in rendering your own remarks most saliently.
You're politicians of tech speak. It's the most boring show in existence, and I say that as a regular daily viewer of C-Span.
I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself or something edgy.
Die slow, old, and boring. You're already fast on your way.