>>2838118>navel gazing>post modern word salads>bullshitLmao, buttfrustrated MFA reject detected
I'm sorry that you're a BFA who literally can't comprehend anything above undergrad tier "and this is how you take a picture" spoonfeeding, but try not to be so sour grapes about it. Instead of obsessing over your delusions about how art school and the art world is some sort of big evil conspiracy, try educating yourself about the real history and issues with photography in the united states. There IS a scam going on but it's not the fact that undergrad degrees and unfunded MAs are just cash cows to fund MA and PhD programs, or for that matter the fact that professors--GASP--earn a livable salary (if you want something to be upset about, take a look at the salaries of the disproportionate number of "administrative" and managerial staff bloating most universities' payrolls. Then, look at the wages of the "adjunct" and "sessional" instructors who do most of the ACTUAL teaching while the professors research/make art and the administrators... administrate.)
Huh, sorry for the change of tone, this post started as a throwaway making fun of your shortsighted attitude but halfway through I wanted to make an actual point, because despite the fact that you're blurring the line between a valid critique of institutional privilege and elitism on the one hand (of the MFA and MOMA circlejerk) and idiotic reactionary propaganda on the other (hurr durr it's all bullshit made-up nonsense who needs art or academia) your ressentiment is not unjustified.