>Bought an R because of a stupid deal I came across>Thought I'd just flip it>Liked it so much I bought a 50mm 1.2L for it>Now it's replaced my Sony A7RIII>tfw you just wanted to make a few extra bucks but ended up getting got by the Canon train >>3493077Hey do you have any idea how expensive a flight to Canada is? Especially after you've spent over $42,000 on camera bodies before lenses and still had to buy 10 plane tickets just for the cameras. Hopefully they'll come back with some good pics though.
>>3488394>Imagine being so poor you have to eat an M2I refuse to dine on anything less than the M7, personally
>>3495187Nice! Post pics later. I'd be curious to see what cheaper vintage Tokina glass is like on the R-D1
>>3497663Dude has a $50k phase one back. He's gotta save up for that XF now.
>>3480277Now that's some serious big dick energy. Do you mind fucking my girlfriend for me?
>>3482684And pretty soon you'll come to the realization that you're only using about 30% of that for photography and the other 70% to flex on an obscure image board. Why do you have a 24-70 2.8G AND a 35-70 2.8? And how the fuck does your D3xxx fit into a system where you're already using a D810 and D4?