>>3151354>First off, it's not terrible.hot argument, senpai.
>If you think it's terrible, that indicates that you're probably a pretty shitty photographer.wow hot argument. dont clutter your posts with useless ad-homs, please.
>Second, it's not a snapshot (or snapshit). Snapshot implies that it's a boring subject and/or badly composed.no, snapshot is something shot thoughtlessly. its not something that alludes to the quality of the subject. current white house photog (there was a thread about this) is a snapshitter too, regardless being surrounded by relevant happenings everyday. and yeah, photo is badly composed.
>It is, in fact, a shot of Marine One taking Richard Nixon away from the White House on his last day as president. Pretty momentous subject, which just by itself belies the "snapshit" criticism.oh so you have to explain why the picture is good? it cant stand out by its own merits? cant suggest why is it depicting something important? doesnt have any visual clue that acts as a hint to remind me of nixon? its a damn helicopter with three guys on the ground. snapshit all the way.