>>4314224you're not gonna ask them to "correct your exposure" arbitrarily like you're talking
You won't shoot your film at ISO 200 and then ask them to develop like 400 or at 100 or else it'll just come out overexposed or underexposed, respectively
Pushing/pulling is just a tool that is at your disposal, that's it
Like the other guy said you might want to push expired film so that you'll get usable results
You can push to intentionally get more contrast, or pull to get a flatter image and more shadow detail
>>4314230>What's the downside to doing this?In theory you'll get grainier images, but depending on the film it's barely noticeable or not enough to bother (at least me)
It tends to work well with b&w film, while with color it can vary greatly depending on the film stock
>picrel is Ektar 100 pushed to 400 isoLooks like shit, it looks like expired film
>>4314234not the person you're responding to but
>>4313153>>4313154>Kentmere 400 pushed 3 stops (shot as 3200)I wouldn't be able to shoot this at night at f/8 with iso 400 film
It would all be blurred from movement because instead of 1/60" I'd have to shoot it at 1/8"