>>3881016By themselves? Not really? They are just subtle color curves at the core, regardless of how much of a justification fujifilm produces about their uniqueness. The camera offers a LOT of in body image processing (you can set a grain effect, an equivalent of LRs vibrance, there's a primitive tone curve setting, color, sharpness, noise reduction, and clarity sliders, white balance shifting) and if you take your time with them you can probably forego editing outside of the famera for many shots that one would take. Most of these of course only affect the jpegs produced, but you can use the film sims on raws just fine. I personally enjoy these setting massively when shooting b&w, but I like funky colors, and so it seems that you do too, so I mostly just edit RAWs. So again, I guess it depends on your definition of "worth it" - they aren't game changing, they just nice to have.