>>2921116>>2921116Animal rights. Also if you knew what was in your food you would never eat it. Our food is banned in a multitude of countries and you're all being poisoned through chemicals cleverly disguised as food. I'm not going to hijack my thread to get on a pedestal but it's a personal decision to not harm other living creatures and to try to live more clean.
I'm not judgemental though, I have meat-eating friends and we still hang out. Hell one of my friends had no idea I was vegan until we went out for grub. No one likes people who shit all over you for your personal beliefs and though I may troll the everloving shit out of some of you on this board it's all in fun because I know you fags can take it lol
>>2921428Nigga please I don't have to drop my trip to shit all over myself lololol I say what I think with that trip on and if you don't like it then here's a quarter call someone who gives a fuck lol
have some Kodachrome for your trouble.