I think what plagues your photography is not enough practice: poor composition and boring subjects make most of your shots unappealing.
>>3255419Boring subject
>>3255420Boring subject and portrait feels wrong here
>>3255421A good 90% of this photo is not the subject and boring to look at
>>3255426Photo trope and slightly boring colors.
>>3255442Poorly composed and the subject is boring.
>>3255422Moss growing in what seems to be a wooded area where moss would commonly be found is not interesting or surprising to see. That said, you tried to use framing. Not hopeless.
>>3255423Some action is interesting, but again the photo is mostly not of what is interesting. The birds are nice and all, but they're dead center (which isn't always a bad thing) and again, most of what is in frame isn't interesting or important.
>>3255429Seems like this could have been better composed to make a more interesting shot. The cords on the left are really distracting.
>>3255446This framing attempt is better than your last, but again what's taking up the most space in the photo is dead center and not interesting. Standing on the bridge you took a picture of would have likely made for a better shot.
>>3255445That house seems cozy. Too bad I can't see it from those trees in front of it. The warmer colors of the sunset work surprisingly well with the house's color. Unobstructing the view would make this photo a lot better.
>>3255447Chicago's a cool city, but this photo is underexposed. Protip to try: Go to a parking garage. Any parking garage that's tall and has a cool view of what you want to capture.
>>3255448There is a LOT of softness here. The guy in the alley is suggesting you meant to compose for leading lines, but looking ahead said softness is distracting and confusing, a couple passers by are cut off, and there's nothing in particular the guy in the alley is standing in front of or walking toward.